About Me

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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Monday, November 29, 2010

For Everything there is a First Time

First single bought: Lebanon by The Human League

First CD bought: Ambient Moods – a compilation.

First love: Jackie Morgan – literally the girl next door

First lover: Trisha Jones (many years later).

First job: General office worker in Central London

First owned home: My present location

First time abroad: Skiing in the French Alps with the school aged 13-14

First degree: BA(Hons) Social Ethics with Educational Studies

First drink: Vodka from a plastic elephant (previously containing bath oil) provided by my best school friend Andy aged 9-10

First hangover: Aged 11-12 after drinking the dregs of every glass left behind from a party my Mum had in our new house. Understandably I was very ill.

First book (that I remember): Emil and the Detectives by Erich Kastner written in 1929. I think I must have been about 10 and remember that it had a profound impact on me. Oddly I didn’t start reading voraciously until about 4 years later when I was introduced to SF by a friend of my brother.

First concert: The Stranglers in 1983. I was a very late convert to live music.


Sadie Lou said...

I'm a sucker for these factoid things. Very interesting.

CyberKitten said...

Thanks Sadie.

Is this you back in the Blogosphere?

dbackdad said...

Stranglers ... nice. Mine was Def Leppard and Tesla.

I think I threw up in my mouth a little bit just reading about your first drink and hangover. :-)

CyberKitten said...

dbackdad said: I think I threw up in my mouth a little bit just reading about your first drink and hangover. :-)


The hangover wasn't very nice but my first drink was lovely. It was either a Spring or Autumnal day, so a bit chilly. The vodka warmed my whole small body and I do believe that I floated through the rest of the day. It's a wonder I didn't become a drinker at that early age. Instead I waited until my mid teens.....

Sadie Lou said...

mmmm...not really *back* per se, just trying to stay connected to a few of my old friends. I have really wanted to narrow my focus and write a book pretty soon...I would love to be able to bounce stuff off you and Lance whenever I need that?

CyberKitten said...

Sadie said: I have really wanted to narrow my focus and write a book pretty soon...I would love to be able to bounce stuff off you and Lance whenever I need that?

Cool. I'm happy with that. I'm sure I have a book in me too... somewhere. Now if only I could find it in all this mess!