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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Friday, January 14, 2011


Thomas Fummo said...

How did you know I'm writing a Noir Essay right now?



CyberKitten said...

I think that they call it 'Remote Viewing'... or maybe, just maybe coincidence.


What's the essay title?

Thomas Fummo said...

It's on Neo-noir and noir's historical specificity.

As predicted, I have tried to blow both concepts out of the water and prove that John Carpenter's The Thing is a noir film.

[insane grin]

CyberKitten said...

TF said: It's on Neo-noir and noir's historical specificity.

OK..... [grin]

TF said: I have tried to blow both concepts out of the water and prove that John Carpenter's The Thing is a noir film.

Well, it *was* noir... wasn't it? [laughs]

Are you referencing 'The Philosophy of Neo-Noir' edited by Mark Conrad? I haven't read it yet but it sounds to be exactly what you need.