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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Is it Christmas yet....?


VV said...

Too/two cute. I'm ready for Christmas and more importantly, ready for a good long break from work at some point in the next 3 weeks. Merry Christmas.

CyberKitten said...

Isn't it just *too* cute?

Anyway, I do hope that you have a great Christmas and finally get that break from work. All work & no play and all that.... [grin]

VV said...

Our cat, Mickey, got in a fight with something more powerful than him today. Try finding a vet on Christmas day. His injuries aren't life threatening, he might need stitches, so instead of staying here with a neighbor looking after him, he went home with my daughter, Min, today. She's taking him in to the vet clinic with her in the morning for stitches, shots, and whatever else he needs. He'll recuperate with her this week. He'll be in cat heaven with all the attention she'll lavish on him. This is the first time having a daughter who works at a vet clinic has come in handy.

CyberKitten said...

V V said: This is the first time having a daughter who works at a vet clinic has come in handy.

*Very* handy by the sounds of it. I do hope that Mickey is OK. I wonder what Mickey fought with? Another cat or something bigger?