Welcome to the thoughts that wash up on the sandy beaches on my mind. Paddling is encouraged.. but watch out for the sharks.
About Me

- CyberKitten
- I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.
Monday, April 30, 2012
Just Finished Reading :
Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen
With the sudden and unexpected death of their father the
Dashwood sisters and their mother are reduced to comparative poverty. Forced to
move out of their rambling home, now the property of their brother, they find a
new home and new friends in the country. Now Mrs Dashwood must find suitable
partners for her two eldest daughters, prudent and sensible Elinor as well as
flighty and impetuous Marianne. But with nothing else to recommend them except their
good name, looks and accomplishments it is surely going to be far from easy to
attract men of good standing in society especially when some offers are not all
that they seem and when those around them have secrets that have yet to come to
This is my fourth Austen book and, unfortunately, my least
favourite. This is partially because the tale of poor little ‘rich’ girls
looking for love is honestly wearing a little thin. There is some humour here
but not nearly enough to make light of a fairly dull story told at a glacial
pace. I know from experience that nothing much happens in an Austen novel but
this sometimes takes that truism to great lengths. Most of the action takes
place in drawing rooms where the main characters converse in hushed tones
during and after interminable dinner parties. The main character of Elinor is
so prudent and careful of her affections as to be incredibly dull. Meeting her
in real life would undoubtedly leave you with the impression of someone either
incapable of expressing emotion or incapable of having any. Marianne is more
alive and open to new experience but has little common sense although I did
enjoy her outburst during a dance meeting where she verbally ripped apart her
would-be lover. I had to admire her for that no matter how indelicate it was!
One of the things that surprised me was the almost invisibility of anyone who
could be called working class. Servants are occasionally mentioned briefly in
passing but even the London
streets seem to be populated purely by members of society. Austen is clearly no
Charles Dickens in this regard – indeed reading this book made me want to read
Dickens just to see things from the other perspective! Lastly I thought that
the ending was very rushed indeed. For probably 80-90% of the book things
plodded along in good Jane Austen fashion. Then in the dying chapters the pace
speeded up considerably and within 5-10 pages both sisters are miraculously
married (this actually gives very little way). It’s as if Ms Austen either
became bored with her novel or was advised to get it ready for publication post
haste. Needless to say that, overall, I was rather less than impressed with
this effort. Even after having some trouble slogging through the first third of
Emma I still rate it much more highly. At least Emma, both the book and the
character, had several redeeming features. Frankly this volume has few and
although I would never say that this novel should be avoided I would have to
say that it is by far my least favourite of hers so far. Hopefully Mansfield Park and Northanger Abbey will restore
my faith in Jane Austen.
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Feathers fly in first bird debate
From The BBC
27 July 2011
For 150 years, a species called Archaeopteryx has been
regarded as the first true bird, representing a major evolutionary step away
from dinosaurs. But the new fossil suggests this creature was just another
feathery dinosaur and not the significant link that palaeontologists had
believed. The discovery of Xiaotingia, as it is known, is reported in Nature
magazine. The authors of the report argue that three other species named in the
past decade might now be serious contenders for the title of "the oldest
bird". Archaeopteryx has a hallowed place in science, long hailed as not
just the first bird but as one of the clearest examples of evolution in
action. Archaeopteryx is one of the most famous fossils ever unearthed. Discovered
in Bavaria in 1861 just two years after the
publication of Darwin 's
Origin of Species, the fossil seemed to blend attributes of both reptiles and
birds and was quickly accepted as the "original bird". But in recent years, doubts have arisen as older fossils
with similar bird-like features such as feathers and wishbones and three
fingered hands were discovered.
Now, renowned Chinese palaeontologist Professor Xu Xing
believes his new discovery has finally knocked Archaeopteryx off its perch. His
team has detailed the discovery of a similar species, Xiaotingia, which dates
back 155 million years to the Jurassic Period. By carefully analysing and
comparing the bony bumps and grooves of this new chicken-sized fossil, Prof Xu
now believe that both Archaeopteryx and Xiaotingia are in fact feathery
dinosaurs and not birds at all. "There are many, many features that
suggest that Xiaotingia and Archaeopteryx are a type of dinosaur called
Deinonychosaurs rather than birds. For example, both have a large hole in front
of the eye; this big hole is only seen in these species and is not present in
any other birds.
Several species discovered in the past decade could now
become contenders for the title of most basal fossil bird. Epidexipteryx - a
very small feathered dinosaur discovered in China and first reported in 2008.
It had four long tail feathers but there is little evidence that it could fly. Jeholornis
- this creature lived 120 million years ago in the Cretaceous. It was a relatively
large bird, about the size of a turkey. First discovered in China , and
reported in 2002. Sapeornis - lived 110 to 120 million years ago. Another small
primitive bird about 33 centimetres in length. It was discovered in China
and was first reported in 2002.
"Archaeopteryx and Xiaotingia are very, very similar to
other Deinonychosaurs in having a quite interesting feature - the whole group
is categorised by a highly specialised second pedo-digit which is highly
extensible, and both Archaeopteryx and Xiaotingia show initial development of
this feature." The origins of the new fossil are a little murky having
originally been purchased from a dealer. Prof Xu first saw the specimen at the Shandong Tianyu Museum .
He knew right away it was special "When I visited the museum which houses
more than 1,000 feathery dinosaur skeletons, I saw this specimen and
immediately recognised that it was something new, very interesting; but I did
not expect it would have such a big impact on the origin of birds." Other
scientists agree that the discovery could fundamentally change our understanding of birds. Prof Lawrence Witmer from Ohio University
has written a commentary on the finding. "Since Archaeopteryx was
found 150 years ago, it has been the most primitive bird and consequently every
theory about the beginnings of birds - how they evolved flight, what their diet
was like - were viewed through the lens of Archaeopteryx. So, if we don't view
birds through this we might have a different set of hypotheses."
There is a great deal of confusion in the field says Prof
Witmer as scientists try to understand where dinosaurs end and where birds
begin. "It's kind of a nightmare for those of us trying to understand it.
When we go back into the late Jurassic, 150-160 million years ago, all the
primitive members of these different species are all very similar. So, on the
one hand, it's really frustrating trying to tease apart the threads of this
evolutionary knot, but it's really a very exciting thing to be working on and
taking apart this evolutionary origin." Such are the similarities between
these transition species of reptiles and birds that other scientists believe
that the new finding certainly will not mean the end of the argument. Prof Mike
Benton from the University of Bristol, UK, agrees that the new fossil is about
the closest relative to Archaeopteryx that has yet been found. But he argues
that it is far from certain that the new finding dethrones its claim to be the
first bird. "Professor Xu and his colleagues show that the evolutionary
pattern varies according to their different analyses. Some show Archaeopteryx
as the basal bird; others show it hopped sideways into the Deinonychosaurs. New
fossils like Xiaotingia can make it harder to be 100% sure of the exact pattern
of relationships." According to Prof Witmer, little is certain in trying
to determine the earliest bird and new findings can rapidly change
perspectives. "The reality is, that next fossil find could kick
Archaeopteryx right back into birds. That's the thing that's really exciting
about all of this."
[Birds, it seems, are on the cutting edge of evolutionary
studies these days. With all of the new fossils coming out of China and South America
recently a lot of the gaps are being filled in and our understanding is growing
year on year. Exciting indeed!]
Friday, April 27, 2012
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Just Finished Reading : Master
of Rome by John
The Western Mediterranean :
255BC. War has a habit of unexpectedly moving from victory to defeat,
especially for a navy as inexperienced as that fielded by Rome in its first conflict with the mighty
Carthaginian empire. Overstretched and badly led by political appointees the
planned invasion of North Africa results in
humiliating defeat and disgrace when bad weather destroys most of the Roman
gallies. As one of the few survivors and the highest ranking officer to make it
back to Rome
the responsibility falls on the shoulders of Greek captain Atticus. Seeing it
as an opportunity for revenge his enemies in the Senate charge him with
treason. Only just managing to keep his life he is sent back to the tattered remnants
of the fleet with clear orders and yet another political appointment above him.
But this time things are different. Not only does the new commander want to
beat the hated Carthaginians in battle and thus assure his political ambitions
back home he also has a personal grudge against Atticus and wants to see him
dead. With enemies both foreign and home-grown out for his blood Atticus must
be on his guard at all times. But even if he manages to avoid the assassins
blade there is still the might and expertise of the Carthaginian naval to face
– with only hastily built ships manned by deeply inexperienced crews. It is a
fight to the death, a fight that neither empire can afford to lose.
This is the final book in the roman naval trilogy by John
Stack and it is a fitting end to an excellent series of books. Building on the
previous two volumes it follows Captain Atticus Perennis as his star rises and
falls with success or defeat in battle – often commanded by inferior men with
no experience of war or the sea who take little blames because of their
political connections. Political intrigue at the highest levels on both sides
is contrasted with life aboard the fighting ships of both navies as well as a
fascinating mercenary blockade runner whose local knowledge and agile ship give
his distinct advantages over the slower and more heavily armed combat vessels.
The sea battles themselves are masterfully described in all of their horrific
details where rammed ships sink to the bottom of the Med with their slave rowers
still chained to their oars. On land the legions fight in North Africa and for
their main prize, the island
of Sicily . Here too the
action is brutal and uncompromising where both sides can smell the breath of
the men they kill with short sword and thrown spear.
The author’s next book – out in hardback recently – moves to
another great naval encounter with the story of the Spanish Armada. Needless to
say that I will buy this book the moment it comes out in paperback. Stack
writes extremely well, creates very believable characters and often leaves you
gasping for breath in the thick of hand-to-hand and ship-to-ship combat. Very
highly recommended.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
“I did not lose my faith – I gave it up purposely. The
motivation that drove me into the ministry – to know and speak the truth – is
the same that drove me out… Opening my eyes to the real world, stripped of
dogma, faith and loyalty to tradition, I could finally see clearly that there
was no evidence for God, no coherent definition of a god, no agreement among
believers as to the nature or moral principles of ‘God’, and no good answers to
the positive arguments against the existence of a god, such as the problem of
evil. And beyond all that, there is no need for a god. Millions of good people
live happy, productive, moral lives without believing in god.”
Dan Barker.
Monday, April 23, 2012
Thinking About: Gaming
There are many potential words you could use to describe me
– some of them are even printable. One I would have no issue at all with is “gamer”.
I have been regularly playing computer or ‘video’ games since the early 1970’s
and would argue that I have a gamer mentality even before that. I seem to have
treated a large proportion of my life as a game and this outlook colours much
of what I do on a day-to-day basis.
I first encountered video games in a hotel in the French
Alps during a school skiing trip. Tucked away in the corner of the ‘games room’
was one of the early Pong games where a pair of operators used dials to move a
paddle to intercept a bouncing dot. Missing the dot at the vital moment would
result in you conceding a ‘goal’ From my very first encounter I was hooked and
spent nearly all of my holiday money in small change pumping Franc after Franc
into the slot. Of course I just had to get my hands on a device that could
produce such delights and (many) years later managed to get myself – after
borrowing money and begging a lift off family members – a brand new Sinclair ZX
Spectrum in 1982. I remember using this rather crude machine as much as humanly
possible, not only buying pre-designed games but spending a great deal of time
programming it line by line from a plethora of Spectrum related magazines. I
wonder what might have happened if I’d had the opportunity (or at least the
time) to keep programming rather than going off to University in 1983 to study
Humanities. Of course I found student life to be very computer game friendly –
especially as the hours of study, in the first year at least, were hardly
onerous. The early 80’s was the time of Space Invaders, Missile Command and
Galaxions. But the game I remember most from that time was a Star Wars game
based around the X-Wing attack on the Death Star. Living in a seaside town a
few miles away from the University gave me dozens of different games to try out
on a regular basis and, yet again, I probably spent a significant percentage of
my grant money on arcade video games in those 3 years. It was time and money
very well spent!
In the late 80’s I moved to London to take up my first full-time paid
employment. After a few years in basic administration jobs (having no previous
work experience to draw on) I manage to drift into an IT position where I
stayed for well over 10 years. Almost immediately I fell in with fellow gamers
one of which was the teams network expert who just happened to have his very
own lockable ‘workshop’. It was in here I spent many a happy lunch break
playing networked Doom with up to three other players. Being in a confined
space and being able to hear everything the other players said gave the game a
whole new level of immersion. I never forgot the joy of those days. Around the
same time I had installed, though I really shouldn’t have, a copy of SimCity on
my desktop so I could play it at lunchtime or after work for an hour or so. I
was subsequently told to delete it but not before a disastrous reactor meltdown
had taken most of the PC with it.
Moving to my present location and planning to stay here for
some time I finally had the stability and the money to buy my own PC – never
having had the Console bug – and began working my way through games almost too
numerous to mention. My favourites were always RPG (Role Playing Games), RTS
(Real-Time Strategy) and to a lesser extent (FPS) First Person Shooter despite
my love of Doom. One of the highlights of this time was a game called Total
Annihilation where you picked one of two sides fighting a robotic war over a
number of planets somewhere in the galaxy. The ultimate aim was either to
destroy the galaxy (from a safe place) or prevent its destruction. Needless to
say it was far more satisfying blowing it up than saving it. But the best part
for me was the almost Zen-like trance states I used to find myself in when
fighting apparently impossible odds for 5, 10, 20 minutes at a time. Any
hesitation indeed any thought was lethal. The only way to win was with no-mind.
Later I played games such as Age of Empires, Cossacks and other RTS classics
such as Command & Conquer. I still remember on one occasion when I thought
that my PC had suffered a spectacular system crash only to discover that my PC
opponent had nuked one of my installations!
Of course by this time many of the stand-alone games had
become (at lest partially) networked allowing multiple players to join in the
fun. Still working in IT at that time I had several good friends spread across
the local area who could join me on my evening adventures. Together we really
did command armies and conquer worlds. Mostly we played the Dawn of War series
of games with their various add on packs fighting Orks, Eldar, The Tau, Necrons
and Tyranids in the name of the Empire of Man. Much carnage ensued especially
when my regular playing partner Ali P ‘modified’ various aspects of the game to
make it that much more lethal. With much practice we became very good at
speedily setting up our defences and taking on multiple all-comers before
crushing them mercilessly. Then onto FPS again with Battlefield 2 which I loved
dearly – so much so I even played it on-line on my own. Then inevitably I
joined the big-boys to play various editions of CoD (Call of Duty) which, at
least initially I found incredibly frustrating when I kept dying so much.
Learning anything was a great struggle but eventually I did develop a style of
play that allowed me to survive long enough to learn, to kill opposing players
and to really, really piss them off. My favourite comment of all time is still
‘Die you camping bitch!’ which appeared on my screen just after one of the
enemy wasted a hellfire missile on me. I laughed so hard I think I pulled a
muscle somewhere. I think this was the largest group game I played with up to
5-6 players interacting with each other on Teamspeak. That was one aspect I
really loved about it especially when sometimes 3-4 of us carried Stinger
anti-aircraft missiles on our backs. It was a definite competition to see who
could shoot down an enemy call-in first. If it flew it most definitely died –
often before it fired a single shot in anger. After that we kind of oscillated
between Company of Heroes (a WW2 RTS) and Borderlands (FPS) which was another
game I loved mostly for the inbuilt off-beat humour. I’m looking forward to the
next version.
We spent sometime after Borderlands dulled a bit looking for
the next game. After several false starts – including a poorly designed
Starcraft 2 – we settled on a game that I thought I’d never play. For probably
the last 6 months I’ve been playing World of Warcraft and have honestly become
a bit of a WoW bore about it – though I’ve stopped talking about it at work now
much to the relief of the people I work with. I never thought that I’d in
effect ‘rent’ a game but I’m enjoying it far too much to worry about £8.99
going out of my account every month. My favourite character/avatar is a tall
and rather vicious werewolf called Hiasynth. She rocks and kicks some serious
ass! I think it might be love…
Sunday, April 22, 2012
“There are, after all, atheists who say that they wish the
fable were true but are unable to suspend the requisite disbelief, or who have
relinquished belief only with regret. To this I reply: who wishes that there
was a permanent, unalterable celestial despotism that subjected us to continual
surveillance and could convict us of thought-crime, and who regarded us as its
private property even after we died? How happy we ought to be, at the
reflection that there exists not a shred of respectable evidence to support
such a horrible hypothesis.”
Christopher Hitchens.
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Dec. 02, 2010
fundamental knowledge about
what comprises all known life on Earth. Researchers conducting tests in the
harsh environment of Mono
Lake in California have discovered the first
known microorganism on Earth able to thrive and reproduce
using the toxic chemical arsenic. The microorganism substitutes
arsenic for phosphorus in its cell components.
"The definition of life
has just expanded," said Ed Weiler, NASA's
associate administrator for
the Science Mission Directorate at the agency's Headquarters in Washington . "As we
pursue our efforts to seek signs of life in the
solar system, we have to think more broadly, more diversely and
consider life as we do not know it." This finding of an alternative
biochemistry makeup will alter biology textbooks and expand the
scope of the search for life beyond Earth. The research is published in
this week's edition of Science Express.
Carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen,
oxygen, phosphorus and sulfur are the six basic building blocks of all
known forms of life on Earth. Phosphorus is part of the chemical
backbone of DNA and RNA, the structures that carry genetic instructions
for life, and is considered an essential element for all living
cells. Phosphorus is a central component of the energy-carrying molecule in all
cells (adenosine triphosphate) and also the phospholipids that form all cell
membranes. Arsenic, which is chemically similar to phosphorus, is poisonous for
most life on Earth. Arsenic disrupts metabolic pathways because chemically it
behaves similarly to phosphate.
"We know that some
microbes can breathe arsenic, but what we've found is a microbe doing something
new -- building parts of itself out of arsenic," said Felisa
Wolfe-Simon, a NASA astrobiology research fellow in residence at the
U.S. Geological Survey in Menlo Park , Calif. , and the research team's
lead scientist. "If something here on Earth can do something so
unexpected, what else can life do that we haven't seen yet?" The
newly discovered microbe, strain GFAJ-1, is a member of a common group of
bacteria, the Gammaproteobacteria. In the laboratory, the researchers
successfully grew microbes from the lake on a diet that was very lean on
phosphorus, but included generous helpings of arsenic. When researchers removed
the phosphorus and replaced it with arsenic the microbes continued to grow.
Subsequent analyses indicated that the arsenic was being used to produce the
building blocks of new GFAJ-1 cells.
The key issue the
researchers investigated was when the microbe was grown on arsenic did the
arsenic actually became incorporated into the organisms' vital
biochemical machinery, such as DNA, proteins and the cell membranes. A
variety of sophisticated laboratory techniques were used to determine where
the arsenic was incorporated. The team chose to explore Mono Lake
because of its unusual chemistry, especially its high salinity, high alkalinity,
and high levels of
arsenic. This chemistry is
in part a result of Mono
Lake 's isolation
from its sources of fresh
water for 50 years.
The results of this study
will inform ongoing research in many areas, including the study of
Earth's evolution, organic chemistry, biogeochemical cycles,
disease mitigation and Earth system research. These findings also will
open up new frontiers in microbiology and other areas of research.
"The idea of alternative biochemistries for life is common in science fiction,"
said Carl Pilcher, director of the NASA Astrobiology Institute at the agency's Ames Research
Center in Moffett Field , Calif.
"Until now a life form using arsenic as a building block was only
theoretical, but now we know such life exists in Mono Lake."
[Of course the idea of
alternative biochemistries means that the scope for life increases appreciably.
We no longer have to assume that for life to exist on other worlds that those
worlds must be as close as possible to our world in their basic make-up. That
being the case the possibility of life in what we would consider unsuitable or
extreme environments must increase and with it the possibility – or indeed
probability – of life being even more widespread than previously thought.]
Friday, April 20, 2012
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Just Finished Reading : The Silent State
– Secrets, Surveillance and the Myth of British Democracy by Heather Brooke
For those who don’t know (myself including to begin with)
Heather Brooke is the journalist who broke the MP’s expenses scandal that
washed over Whitehall
and through the corridors of power a little while ago. Whilst not about that
specifically (though it was touched on from time to time) Brooke laid out her
thoughts and investigations about what she saw, and I largely agree with her,
as the problem at the heart of the British
State – secrecy. In that
although the State goes to great efforts to know as much as it can about its
citizens it resists, with all the powers at its disposal, the often innocuous
requests for information from it. Not only that but it clamps down on those,
often very clever people, who attempt to provide information to the public in a
more efficient a cheaper way than the government can manage. The State, the
author maintains, is a serious information control freak who thinks that Public
Relations – AKA ‘spin’ – actually constitutes information transfer (which of
course it doesn’t). Using stories from her own experience and from interviewing
several individuals and groups who have had run-ins with the State information
control apparatus the author produces a very convincing attack on an overly
secretive system.
Despite agreeing with much of what the author said I did
have several reservations about this book. I was for instance regularly
irritated the tone of her argument rather than with its substance. She seemed
to have bought into the idea that everyone in government is at best indifferent
to the public if not actually and wilfully obstructive and appeared to be
saying, or at least implying, that anyone with the least bit of power or
influence came from a public school background and despised the working class
who they regarded as basically incapable of understanding policy decisions at
any level. She also appeared to view the rank and file government employee as
either so demoralised or browbeaten by their superiors that they can no longer
see, or care about, the many problems with the system resulting in far too much
control of information – often for its own sake. Again I see something in what
she says. Information does not flow as it should and various governments – of
all types – do not respect the average voter enough to tell them anything of
great account. It is, in many ways, a very vicious circle where we are not
trusted enough to know stuff so are kept in the dark where we are clearly too
ignorant to be allowed to make or vote on important decisions. About the best
thing that can be said for this book – which actually isn’t that bad – is that
it raises peoples consciousness of what is, or more often is not, going on in
the heart of government and throughout the various public facing agencies. I
guess that I’m already cynical enough to think that everything the
government/state tells us is lies and propaganda so it came as no great
surprise to me that it really is. A fast and often illuminating read but not a
particularly earth-shattering one if you’re as cynical as I am.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Monday, April 16, 2012
Just Finished Reading :
A Girl’s Guide to Guns and Monsters edited by Martin H Greenberg and Kerrie
Female heroes or warriors have almost become a cliché these
days. Especially in the urban fantasy genre where no story would be complete
without a Buffy wanabe or look-alike. That’s not to say that reading about
women taking charge, killing bad guys (or monsters) and not bothering to take
names afterwards isn’t fun – it certainly is.
As with most books of short stories the quality is variable.
Fortunately with 13 stories crammed into just under 300 pages I didn’t have
long to wait before a mediocre story was replaced by a better one. I liked The Drifter by Jane Lindskold about a
female gunslinger in the old west looking for the vampire that killed her family, Elizabeth & Anna’s Big Adventure by
Jeanne Stein about a little girls babysitter who turned out to be anything but
human but everything a babysitter should be, No Matter where you go by Tanya Huff about a Vampire ex-cop who
goes the extra mile (and the extra dimension) to protect a bunch of teenagers
dabbling in magic. Somewhat less likable where Murder She Workshopped by Kristine Kathryn Rusch (who I expected
more from) about a writing workshop preyed on by evil forces, Signed in Blood by P R Frost about a
magical pen and, the only SF story in the list, Invasive Species by Nina Kiriki Hoffman about a pest controller
cleaning spaceships who stumbles on an alien invasion in progress. Generally
entertaining but I’m sure there are better collections out there. Oh, and for a
book referring to guns and monsters there seemed to be a distinct lack of
gunplay – just saying.
Sunday, April 15, 2012
“When I became convinced that the Universe is natural – that
all the ghosts and gods are myths, there entered into my brain, into my soul,
into every drop of blood, the sense, the feeling, the joy of freedom. The walls
of my prison crumbled and fell, the dungeon was flooded with light, and all the
bolts, and bars, and manacles became dust. I was no longer a servant, a serf,
or a slave. There was for me no master in all the wide world – not even in
infinite space. I was free – free to think, to express my thoughts – free to
live to my own ideal – free to live for myself and those I loved – free to use
all my faculties, all my senses – free to spread imaginations wings – free to
investigate, to guess and dream and hope – free to judge and determine for
myself – free to reject all ignorant and crude creeds, all the ‘inspired’ books
that savages have produced, and all the barbarous legends of the past – free
from popes and priests – free from all the ‘called’ and ‘set apart’ – free from
sanctified mistakes and holy lies – free from the fear of eternal pain – free
from the winged monsters of the night – free from devils, ghosts, and gods. For
the first time I was free. There were no prohibited places in all the realms of
thought – no air, no space, where fancy could not spread her painted wings – no
chains for my limbs – no lashes for my back – no fires for my flesh – no
master’s frown or threat – no following another’s steps – no need to bow, or
cringe, or crawl, or utter lying words. I was free. I stood erect and fearlessly,
joyously, faced all worlds.”
Robert G Ingersoll (1833 – 1899)
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Early origins for uncanny valley
From The BBC
Friday, 6 November 2009
Human suspicion of realistic robots and avatars may have
earlier origins than previously thought. The phenomenon, called the uncanny
valley, describes the disquiet caused by synthetic people which almost, but not
quite, match human expressiveness. Experiments with macaque monkeys show they
too are suspicious of replicas that fall short of the real thing. The research
suggests a deep-seated evolutionary origin for the reactions such artificial
entities evoke.
The phrase the "uncanny valley" was coined by
Japanese roboticist Masahiro Mori and shows that human disquiet increases as
avatars and robots look more and more human. Many people who watched films such
as Beowulf, Polar Express and Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within reported that,
despite the impressive 3D animated effects, the people portrayed were not
entirely convincing. Many explanations have been put forward for such
responses, said Princeton neuroscientist Dr
Asif Ghazanfar who carried out the research on the monkeys. Some suggest the
reactions are caused by a suspicion that those who look human but act oddly are
ill and avoiding them makes good evolutionary sense. Others have advanced
cultural reasons to explain the response. "The range of explanations for
the uncanny valley in humans is large and by doing this experiment we can
reduce it quite a bit," said Dr Ghazanfar.
The Princeton team was led
to investigate whether monkeys show uncanny valley responses because of work they
were doing on the best way to investigate macaque communication. "What we
wanted to do was make a monkey avatar to interact with real monkeys. That would
allow us to have real time social interaction occurring where we monitor brain
activity in a real monkey," he said. "Having an avatar gives us
complete control over one side of the interaction which is unprecedented,"
Dr Ghazanfar told the BBC. The reactions of real macaques to the artificial
monkeys were intriguing, he said. "We were not terribly surprised that
they show an uncanny valley effect," he said. "What I am surprised by
is that we can evoke it using such a rudimentary procedure - measuring simply
how long they look. The animals were not trained or rewarded yet they were
completely consistent in their reactions," he added. The results were
reported in the journal PNAS. Macaque monkeys are a favourite among researchers
because of their biological similarity to humans. Their social lives have
enough in common with humans to make comparisons apt, said Dr Ghazanfar.
Macaques have a "despotic" social network that means monkeys that are
physically frail, old or sick are excluded. It also suggests, he said, that
human reactions to almost human avatars do have an evolutionary origin. "I
think there's a lot of interest in it because there's an increasing number of
folks who are pursuing human interaction with artificial agents," he said.
"We can demonstrate that evolutionary hypotheses are tenable and that the
uncanny valley has something to with social experience and neural processes
across many primate species."
The Princeton team plans to
keep on using artificial macaques to investigate monkey vocal communication.
"The positive spin is that we have made an avatar realistic enough that it
has produced expectations from our real monkey," said Dr Ghazanfar.
"The monkeys, like humans, quickly habituate to the creepiness of the
[It’s odd – to say the least – that humans and other
primates seem to be hard-wired to spot and negatively react to simulations of
themselves. It’s often intrigued me, as a fan of SF movies, that simulations of
humans, either the CGI versions or ‘robots’, can be so easily spotted on the
screen although its getting progressively more difficult as the technology
improves. But what is much more interesting is the visceral reaction to them,
the fear, and the incomprehension but above all else the revulsion felt during
the initial encounter. For us to have evolved a response at this level there
must have been a consistent and constant threat to warrant it. My over-active
imagination could easily produce scenario’s where lives would depend on the
ability to tell real human from fake human but they are all based on Fantasy
and Science-Fiction ‘realities’ and not the one I live in every day. The cause
will, no doubt, be far more mundane than any my free wheeling imagination could
come up with but I can’t help wondering what on earth made us so good at
spotting simulacra of ourselves……..]
Friday, April 13, 2012
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Just Finished Reading :
The Reformation – A Very Short Introduction by Peter Marshall
The Reformation is another one of those periods in European
history that I know something about via other sources – be it history books
touching on it tangentially or novels based during that turbulent time. We may
have even mentioned it in passing in school though I can’t remember anything
specific about it. Just about the only highlights I could mention – like one of
those word association games where someone says “Reformation” – is Henry the
Eight’s dissolution of the monasteries in England, the Thirty Years War and
Martin Luther nailing his thesis to a church door. Apart from that, at least
until I read this slim but excellent volume, my knowledge was scant indeed.
Although still far, far from an expert on the period I do
now have a greater appreciation of the complexities of that time, some of the
major causes of the split in the ‘one true church’ (more nuanced and longer
running that I’d first appreciated) and have been made aware of some of the
myths surrounding the actions of Luther in particular (I was for example
surprised that nailing your thesis to a church door was standard practice in
those days and that the thesis in question hardly caused a still at least at first).
Marshall certainly knows his stuff and is a good enough writer to make what is
essentially church history – before the whole episode got down and dirty –
frankly fascinating. Not only do I now have a greater insight into the
Reformation itself but that knowledge has helped me to understand European
history in general much more. This is simply because the various fallouts from
the great schism in Christianity are still with us today – whether you believe
in the tenets of either side or neither side. Not only did the process tear the
church into two but it also rebounded on itself with the Counter-Reformation
which arguably made the Catholic Church the powerhouse it still is today. As
both sides fought for European supremacy they were both forced to become true
world religions for the first time prompting voyages of discovery and conquest.
Likewise the antagonisms between Protestant and Catholic had huge cultural
implications as art, music, architecture and the written word where all
utilised in the ongoing war of ideas and ideology. Things, as they say, would
never, could never, be the same again. It is even arguable that the growing
chasm between the two sides of the Christian faith allowed the development and
present dominance of secularisation in Europe .
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Monday, April 09, 2012
My Favourite Movies: Cowboys & Aliens
Mixing genres, especially those as seemingly different as
the western and science fiction, is difficult to pull off convincingly.
Fortunately here we have an example that worked rather well.
It all starts with in the middle of scrubland when Daniel
Craig suddenly wakes after what looked like a particularly bad dream. He’s
alone, unarmed and has apparently been shot but can’t remember how he got there
or, indeed, who he is. Almost before he’s got a moment to think he’s surrounded
by three Indian hunters who think he might be a prisoner on the run –
especially as he has ‘iron’ on one of his wrists. Big mistake – for the three
would-be bounty hunters. Now dressed and armed the cowboy without a name or a
memory rides into the nearest town where he is recognised as outlaw Jake
Lonergan and is almost immediately arrested. Before he can be transported to
the nearest judge the town is attacked, from the air, by things no one has ever
seen before – flying vehicles that pluck people from the ground and disappear
into the darkness. Only Lonergan manages to shoot one of them down when he
discovers that the ‘iron’ on his wrist is in fact some kind of weapon. Riding
in pursuit of their abducted town folk Lonergan joins forces with local cattle
Baron Colonel Dolarhyde (played rather badly by Harrison Ford) and the
mysterious female gunslinger Ella Swenson (played by the very beautiful Olivia
Wilde). But in order to defeat an enemy literally light-years ahead of them
they need to put old enmities to one side and join forces with local Indians
and with Jake’s old gang. For if the aliens succeed here they’ll be back in
force and then no one will be safe!
Saturday, April 07, 2012
Super-Earths 'in the billions'
By Jonathan Amos for The BBC
28 March 2012
There could be many billions of planets not much bigger than
Earth circling faint stars in our galaxy, says an international team of
astronomers. The estimate for the number of "super-Earths" is based
on detections already made and then extrapolated to include the Milky Way's
population of so-called red dwarf stars. The team works with the high-precision
Harps instrument. This is fitted to the 3.6m telescope at the Silla Observatory
in Chile .
Harps employs an indirect method of detection that infers the existence of
orbiting planets from the way their gravity makes a parent star appear to
twitch in its motion across the sky. "Our new observations with Harps mean
that about 40% of all red dwarf stars have a super-Earth orbiting in the
habitable zone where liquid water can exist on the surface of the planet,"
said team leader Xavier Bonfils from the Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers
de Grenoble, France. "Because red dwarfs are so common - there are about
160 billion of them in the Milky Way - this leads us to the astonishing result
that there are tens of billions of these planets in our galaxy alone."
The Harps team came up with its numbers after surveying 102
carefully chosen red dwarfs, which are dimmer and cooler than our Sun. The group
found a total of nine super-Earths (which are defined as planets with one to 10
times the mass of the Earth), with two judged to be orbiting inside their
stars' habitable zones. Putting all its data together, including observations
of stars that did not have planets, the team was able to produce an estimate
for how common different sorts of planets are around red dwarfs. This
assessment suggests super-Earths in the habitable zone occur in 41% of cases, with a range from 28% to 95%.
Given how many red dwarf stars there are in close proximity
to the Sun, it means there could be perhaps 100 super-Earth planets in the
habitable zones of stars that are less than about 30 light-years distant. "The habitable
zone around a red dwarf, where the temperature is suitable for liquid water to
exist on the surface, is much closer to the star than the Earth is to the
Sun," commented co-researcher Stephane Udry from the Geneva Observatory.
"But red dwarfs are known to be subject to stellar eruptions or flares,
which may bathe the planet in X-rays or ultraviolet radiation, and which may
make life there less likely."
Friday, April 06, 2012
Thursday, April 05, 2012
Just Finished Reading :
Yojokun – Life Lessons from a Samurai by Kaibara Ekiken (Translated by William
Scott Wilson)
Many of you will be familiar with the idea that Samurai
thought revolves around death – either having an honourable one or delivering a
swift one. This book, written by a 17th Century Samurai physician,
is from quite the opposite perspective. It’s about the living of a long and
healthy life. The lessons are simple and are, rather inevitably, based around
Ancient Chinese medicine. Mostly, at least it seemed to me, they revolved
around reduction and restriction. Reduce the amount you eat especially of spicy
food. Reduce the amount of hours you sleep. Don’t sleep on your back or during
the day. Reduce the amount of words you use. Don’t sit or sleep in draughts.
Oh, and don’t spit – too far. One interesting and amusing paragraph suggested
that you shouldn’t take up the foreign habit of smoking as it is both addictive
and expensive. But mostly the advice was obvious, banal or just plain bizarre.
Fortunately the whole thing was in bite sized chunks for
easy digestion. I was also intrigued enough to continue reading in the hope
that a little gem would be uncovered. I was, unfortunately, disappointed.
Although this is an interesting book from a cultural or historical point of
view – especially if you have a great interest in the Samurai – I did find it
on the whole to be fairly pointless. But remember – I read these kinds of books
so you don’t have to.
Wednesday, April 04, 2012
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