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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Sleepypete said...

Twas the best of the Stargate series ...

Preferred Atlantis over SG-1. The storylines were consistently of higher quality, it should have had a longer run.

CyberKitten said...

The first 6 series of SG-1 I liked. It started going down hill from there. Atlantis just rocked on so many levels. Sheppard just ROCKED!

Sleepypete said...

Yeah - SG-1 ran out of steam, while Universe took itself way too seriously.

Atlantis never forgot to have fun with itself, even when they were doing serious storylines. It's been good watching it again, I'm midway through the 5th season now.

dbackdad said...

I powered through all the Stargate series in about a couple of months. Gotta love Netflix binging. I do like Sheppard.