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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Tuesday, September 02, 2014


VV said...

Where's the food and water? Also, that ammo won't last long if a SWAT team comes after you. Any good prepper knows you need much heavier fire power than that and much more of it. Also, the government is always watching, so never take electronic pictures of your stash and share them on-line. They'll know right where you are. Also, only purchase items with cash, never let anyone know who you are or where you live, and um, um, I know there's so much more. Guess I'll have to go watch more Doomsday Preppers to make sure I'm covered.

CyberKitten said...

That amount of ammo would last about 20-30 minutes in a real fire-fight or less than that if two or more guns are being used.....

Plus those rifles are so jammed together I bet they're stuck in there.... [lol]