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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014


Stephen said...

That would end most elections in the US..

CyberKitten said...

...and a fair few over here too. Imagine if we could stop stupid people voting! The number of votes would drop even more dramatically than it is already.... [grin]

The only thing I can imagine is going on is that we do it to laugh at them - to say: No matter how bad my life is at least I'm not *that* dumb!

dbackdad said...

The right to vote is both the boon and curse of a democracy. As much as we realize that now, our founding fathers realized it too. I've just recently finished the excellent biography of John Adams and it was obvious how much that very conundrum was pondered by Adams, Jefferson, etc.

CyberKitten said...

With the number of people voting dropping year by year there's talk (yet again) of making voting here compulsory. The way I see it is that not only is it your democratic right to vote its also your right to choose not to vote. I would so spoil my paper every time if that law cam in. Though I suppose if they added a 'none of the above' there's a real danger that it would get more votes than the rest combined!