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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Thinking About: Labels

It’s been happening a lot lately. Or possibly I’m just noticing it more. People seem to be applying labels to me that I’m not exactly comfortable with – at least not entirely. I suppose it started a few months back when my friends, that’s right my friends, started referring to me as ‘difficult’. I think what they really meant was ‘contrary’ or as I like to see it ‘independently minded’. I think it’s because they are, as a general rule, all Geeks. Several of them work for large IT companies or come from a technical background. They’re all into the latest Tech and, it appears to me, talk about it endlessly. Well, I’m not like that. I understand enough Tech to get by but don’t feel the need to upgrade every time some manufacturer feels the need to fleece us yet again with their latest product which now features smooth edges or comes in a variety of colours or some such. I’m more a functional kind of person. If an ‘old’ piece of Tech does the job I want it to do (my old Nokia phone is a good example) then I won’t change it until it stops working. They only started calling me a ‘Luddite’ however when I said that I wouldn’t give a Smart power meter the time of day because I couldn’t see it as being any advantage to me. Knowing how much power (in other words money) is used to boil a kettle to make a cup of tea isn’t going to influence how many cups of tea I make every day. If I want a cup of tea I’ll boil the kettle to have one and damn the (minimal) cost. When the ‘difficult’ word is used what I actually hear is ‘not manipulated easily by the latest craze’ or ‘not easily swayed by propaganda’.  These attributes are, I believe, good things.

I suppose that I started thinking about this more lately after my boss introduced me to a new starter at work as ‘the team’s resident smartarse’. Yes, this was my boss saying that – although she was smiling at the time. I took it as a compliment however as I translated it as saying ‘and this is the smartest person in the team’ rather than someone who makes smart assed comments to all and sundry. It’s all, I think, in the delivery. I was introduced to another team’s boss recently by someone I had known for years. He introduced me as ‘a character’. Presumably he meant ‘someone who doesn’t play by the rules all the time and has both character and a strong sense of self’. Saying that I was a ‘character’ is just shorthand for saying that I’m an individual rather than a soulless, mindless drone. Yes, I can relate to that. Of course by far my favourite label applied to me lately is that of a ‘rebel’ (well, this is a rebellion so…..). It is kind of what I’ve been going for although I hardly think I’m actually rebelling that much, all things considered. As with my levels of honestly my level of rebellion goes all the way up to 11. Presently it’s just bumping along at about 3-4 on a good day.

Naturally, being a rebel after all, the labels people try to put on me have little influence on who I think I am and what I do with my life on a day-to-day basis. At worse the labels irritate me slightly, at best they amuse and (sometimes) delight – I still chuckle over the ‘bit of a rebel’ comment I received. I do find it instructive though as to how people perceive me. If this (actually quite moderate) level of individuality comes across as actual rebellion I shudder to think about the level of conformity that exists out there. If I was as ‘individual’ as I could be I guess that someone would be calling the emergency services and measuring me for a straight-jacket! It does give me some idea about how far I can still push things though. That gives me some quite delicious ideas I can play with and still keep it within the bounds that I’m happy with. What label others will attach to it – well, I’ll let you know.


Stephen said...

Three cheers for being a smartarse Luddite!

I think in general the mediated mob is far less original, individualistic, clever, and free than it believes itself to be -- as it proves itself when it frowns on people who are ACTUALLY noncomformists.

CyberKitten said...

Yup, that was exactly how I felt. OK, I'm a bit 'different' but not excessively so. The time and energy directed at me to change into a more 'acceptable' version of myself - in other words a clone - has been staggering over the years. I've learnt a lot about things just from resisting the pressure!

Brian Joseph said...

It is good to be different and it is good to be a bit of a constrain.

For the most part I am surrounded by unusual people. i think that this is the result of mutual gravitation. However, the level of conformity in some quarters, is as you surmise, beyond belief.

It is people who do nothing but conform, that I do not understand.

Mudpuddle said...

Judging merely from the past few months, I'd call you perfectly normal... But theni've beenconvince for a very longtime that 95percent of the human race is. Totally nuts...

CyberKitten said...

@ Brian: I too am surrounded by people who are a little 'odd' and not exactly 'mainstream' Birds of a feather and all that! I have no intention of pretending to being anything else than who I am anytime soon... [grin]

@ Mudpuddle: "Perfectly Normal"? You take that back! [LOL] But I know what you mean.... No one is 'normal' once you start digging into their backgrounds. Normal is (like so much else in our Culture) a Myth.

Mudpuddle said...

Sorry.. I take it back... A lot of times my brain isn't exactly sure of what it's thinking... Eithe that or it has a mind of its own...

Mike aka MonolithTMA said...

Luddites have blogs now? ;)

CyberKitten said...

Hey, Mike. Good to hear from you! I thought that *everyone* had a Blog, Facebook page or Twitter feed these days. Isn't it compulsory where you are yet?

Mike aka MonolithTMA said...

Of course, but the Luddites resist!

CyberKitten said...

Resistance is my Middle Name.... If I *had* a middle name that is [lol]

Mike aka MonolithTMA said...

Cyber Resistance Kitten, I knew it!