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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Something to remember as we all overindulge......


Mudpuddle said...

life is so unfair... i've always wondered why food that tastes good is bad for you and vice versa... one of those unanswered questions that warp peoples lives...

CyberKitten said...

Fat & sugar taste nice - on purpose! Which is why we like it/them and why when we indulge we put on weight. Exercise is a really crap way to lose weight. The 'trick' is to eat less - if we can!

Mudpuddle said...

agreed; the only way i ever was able to lose was by writing down calories...

VV said...

I got really sick this summer and it progessed so far I ended up in the hospital and had lots of invasive tests. It turned out I developed a severe allergy to oats, which I was eating daily for my cholesterol levels since I've had allergic reactions to statins. I already had a wheat allergy. Since I don't like rye or barley, I decided to ditch all grains. I'm down 17 pounds so far (the most I've ever lost in my life) and I no longer have any stomach problems, I no longer have cravings, or extreme hunger like I used to have. I allowed myself to have stuffing at Thanksgiving and got sick, so I've just avoided all of it and it seems to work better that way. Since I've ditched grains, I've noticed I don''t care for candy as much anymore. It now seems too sweet for me. I've also started jogging again, three times per week, a 5k each time, that's helping with the weight loss too. So I'm not worried about indulging over the holidays, just because I can't.