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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Friday, January 29, 2021



VV said...

I have angel hair. I’m building my halo. 😊

CyberKitten said...

Hey, Ms V! How are you doing? I hope you and Lady M are both fit , healthy & happy.

I gave up my wisdom highlights LONG ago. I now just have deep, thick pure white wisdom (as getting a haircut these days is as risky as crossing No Man's Land in broad daylight!). What a world, eh? [lol]

VV said...

Hi CK,

We’re doing fine, living lives of quiet isolation. I think my mother in Ohio has COVID. She’s 85 and has been fighting it for two weeks now. She’s in a Republican run area and my sister who lives near her is a Trumper. So getting her a test is not possible. Everyone is in denial. I’m in Maryland and have been sending her grocery items as needed to help her through this. Grocery delivery has been a godsend! My mom never goes to doctors or takes drugs, so her immune system is pretty tough. She seems to be improving, but she’s promised to get to a hospital if she has any breathing problems. She was very breathy in her speech a week ago and now sounds good, so I’m hoping the worst is behind her.

On a happier note, we’re going to be grandparents! My son who got married in September 2019, his wife is due this September. We are over the moon excited! I’ve chosen to be called granny. M is requesting to be called her majesty. 🤣 They are also moving back to Maryland while she works on her dissertation. So they’ll be close enough to visit and babysit once we are all vaccinated.

How are you and yours? How are you handling the isolation? Have you been vaccinated yet?

CyberKitten said...

@ V V: I do hope that your Mum gets well soon. I know that any mention of Covid anywhere is a worry. I certainly worry about my Mum who's 85 this year. She's had her first shot (2nd delayed for political reasons so they can vaccinate more people more quickly) but at least she has more protection! About 9 million have had their first dose so far so that's encouraging.

I am blown away by how many people in the US deny the fact that Covid even exists. TOTALLY weird!

I'm OK. I had my standard flu shot (free care of HMG) just after Christmas and am awaiting the call in for my Covid shot. I expect I'll be vaccinated (at least the first shot) before Easter. It'll be good to see the back of it all. Luckily I have a LOT of experience in Social Distancing so things haven't been that bad overall. I do have some friends who are very gregarious that have suffered contact withdrawal though!

Congrats on being Grannies! It took my Mum a little while to get used to the idea but my sister kept producing more and more children so she got used to the idea. It's neat that they're moving back and will be close enough for regular visits (once the apocalypse has passed!). You have a LOT of fun ahead I think!!

VV said...

So glad you have a health system and population that supports vaccination. We’re playing catch up here since the previous administration didn’t do their jobs properly. I’m hoping to have a vaccination by the end of summer. I’m okay with the social isolation, but we did miss our trip to Ireland last summer because of COVID, and M is the gregarious traveling type so she is suffering greatly under all this. At least we can see a light on the horizon, so there is that.

CyberKitten said...

@ V V: Yup, God Bless the NHS! I haven't used it that much but when I do its brilliant.... and I don't need to worry about losing my house every time I get a cough... I think another 4-6 months should see (mostly) the end of it. Plus hopefully we'll be FAR more prepared NEXT time. I think your new (yeah, SANE!) administration has a far better chance of turning it around before things get completely out of hand (OK, MORE out of hand). Here's hoping.

Plus its good to see Dr Fauci on TV again talking sense. I LIKE him!