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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Sunday, January 21, 2024


Sarah @ All The Book Blog Names Are Taken said...

Yep. Portland, Oregon had terrible ice storms, and it is terrifying to watch buses and cars slide down hills and crash into things.

I love snow, but I do not fuck with ice. When Eleanor was 6 months old, we were heading back to Omaha from Minnesota, and hit some black ice on a bridge. We slammed into both sides of the bridge but thankfully the semi behind us missed us. I ended up with a concussion and Eleanor had been asleep. She woke up screaming, and if you have ever heard that mothers somehow gain super human strength when their children are in danger, it is 100% true. The front end of the car was so smashed, my driver's side door was underneath the driver's side back seat. But I threw myself against the door until the metal bent enough for me to open it and get out. We are so luckily we did not flip over into the lake and I thank God everyday that we were not serously hurt.

CyberKitten said...

Snow I don't mind - especially the new stuff, with that lovely crunchie sound when you walk on it. ICE though.... NOT good! I try to avoid having anything to do with it except in vodka.

That sounds like a NASTY driving experience! I'm SO glad things were OK with everyone concerned....

Stephen said...

I don't understand how life even goes on in the upper plains during the winter. At least in the northeast it's possible to get to places you need without having to drive long distances! One of my cousins moved to South Dakota, but we already knew she was crazy.

CyberKitten said...

Some older photographs from the middle of your country/continent show a region of the planet that is essentially uninhabitable - especially in Winter! No wonder around 85% of Americans live on both coasts.....!

Sarah @ All The Book Blog Names Are Taken said...

It was awful, but Eleanor was unhurt and that's all that mattered. My grandparents drove us back to Omaha a few days later and for the first couple years after the accident, I would get panic attacks on the bridge. The marks/damage from my car was also on the bridge for several years.

CyberKitten said...
