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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Where In the World? - 2023/2024 edition. 

A few years ago now I wondered about the fictional geographical distribution of my reading – yes, I ponder such things from time to time – so did a quick survey and wasn’t TOO surprised that most of my novels were based either in the UK or US with only a smattering of examples elsewhere. So, I decided to at least try to do something about that disparity and, as I suspected, its proving to be harder than expected to change my reading habits. As mentioned last time, these are fictional locations rather than the nationality of the author. I’m only counting books that take place mostly in a single country (with the odd exception) and am not counting Fantasy or SF. As always Changes and additions since last year are in BOLD. 

Afghanistan – 2
Australia - 1
Canada – 2 (+1)
China – 1
Crete - 1
Cuba – 2
England – 73 ½ (+17)
Estonia - 1
France – 13 (+2)
Germany – 5 ½
Greece – 2
Holland - 1
India – 2
Ireland – 1
Italy – 4
Jamaica - 1
Japan – 2 (+1)
Norway – 2 (+1)
Malaya - 1
Portugal – 3
Russia – 4
South Africa – 1
Spain – 3 (+1)
Sweden - 3
Scotland – 2
Turkey - 2
Ukraine – 1
USA – 54 ½ (+9 ½)
Vietnam – 1 (NEW)

A rather disappointing show, I think! Only a single new country added as well as the VAST majority of additions going, as expected unfortunately, to England and the USA. But there is better news on the horizon. I should be adding several new countries by this time next year and should, I DO hope, be adding more reads outside the UK/USA axis. I guess we’ll see in 12 months!  


Stephen said...

How'd you find a novel set in Crete?

Marian H said...

Hey, I don't think this is too bad! And setting is an interesting way to measure this. For our Reading the World challenge, my friend and I are going (roughly) by birthplace of the author, but more than once we have read a novel set outside the author's home country. It is quite tricky sometimes to find a book that is in any way representative, but we are enjoying the challenge.

What countries are on your radar for reading soon?

CyberKitten said...

@ Stephen: Blood of Honour by James Holland [grin]

@ Marian: It's a list built up over a LONG time, so isn't great. But I'm *trying* to be a bit more cosmopolitan! I the first half of the year I'm expecting to hit France (my next novel read), Vietnam, Iraq, India, Malaya and Botswana.... Later I'm hoping to hit at least one or two new countries in Africa or the Middle East.

Stephen said...

/me facepalm

For France, if you're open to suggestions -- I very much enjoyed Susanne Allend's novel about Sidney Carton, "A Far Better Rest". Read it back in 2011.

It has its funny moments, too:
“They’ll hang the fellow at Tyburn, and there will be an end to it.”
“If he is found Guilty.”
“Indeed. Your legal acuity never ceases to amaze me.”
“I do not intend that he shall be found Guilty.”
“A commendable position for the Counsel for the Defense. Bravissimo.”

CyberKitten said...

*Always* open to book suggestions.... [grin]

Helen said...

I have a similar problem - I post some statistics on my blog every January and always find that the vast majority of books I've read that year have been set in England (I don't even read all that many set in the USA). And every year I say I'm going to change that, but never seem to manage it!

CyberKitten said...

Habit I think - plus comfort zones (called that for a very good reason). We are, quite naturally, drawn to the familiar... Plus, reading really shouldn't be an effort - or not too much of one anyway!

BTW - did you see my Christie review on Thursday? Loved it!

Marianne said...

Such an interesting list. I usually put that in my statistics. (https://momobookblog.blogspot.com/2024/01/statistics-2023.html)
Last year, my result was:
Africa (4):
Egypt, Nigeria, South Africa, Zimbabwe
Asia (13):
Afghanistan, China, India, Iraq, Israel/Palestine, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Mongolia, Pakistan, Russia, Syria, Turkey
Australia/Oceania (1):
New Zealand
Europe (23):
Albania, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Cyprus, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, The Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom
North America (2):
Canada, USA
South America (3):
Argentina, Paraguay, Suriname,
Extra-terrestrial (0):
Countries "visited" in total: 46

CyberKitten said...


I do have a few 'new' countries coming up from across the world - even outside Europe - that should be interesting. Looking through my unread book piles I did find I actually had very few non-UK/US/Europe based books. I am trying to pick up a few more though....

Marianne said...

I have the advantage of living in a non-UK/US country and therefore probably find more, even non-Germans as they translate more books into other languages than English.