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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Friday, October 11, 2024

We do seem to be *living* through History right now, but I wonder if that's just because of 24hr News & Social Media making it *feel* like everything is happening all at once....


Marian H said...

As a millennial, I don't plan on retiring - I am doubtful there will be enough social security for that. But otherwise, I just pay the bills and carry on :P

CyberKitten said...

Don't you have a 401K (I think its called)? I thought that was basically an investment on the stock market that you use to retire with?

I was pretty lucky (partially planned) as I hit a sweet spot of paying off my house, building up a reasonable bank balance, getting a moderately OK pension from 'The Company' (AKA not the CIA) and being a cheap date... Plus my State pension also kicks in when I'm 67.

Stephen said...

Same, Marian -- though in my case, I figure I'll die of something before I would even be eligible to retire, given the transplant + immune suppressants, etc. I do pay into a retirement plan, but with inflation and national debt somehow I doubt things will remain stable enough for me to see that work the way it's meant to. At this point I almost wonder if the current state of DC will outlive me. O_O

Sarah @ All The Book Blog Names Are Taken said...

Pretty much. Nothing really fazes me anymore. I have a teacher pension and a Roth IRA, but I doubt I will ever actually get to retire.