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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Thursday, March 27, 2025


Stephen said...

A libertarian page today did a LOTR one where it's playing off the "You have my sword!" "And my axe!" and 'my bow!" where it finishes with Saurman wondering why he's been added to this group chat. Haven't used Signal so I don't know how it works, but fortunately it's no surprise that DC is bombing Houthis -- they've been doing it since the Obama days.

CyberKitten said...

Oh, there are a LOT of great memes out there ATM. Trump 2.0 is certainly the gift that keeps on giving - especially to comedians and some very clever/quick people on the Internet!

Stephen said...

Well, as mememable as he is, he had nothing to do with this: it's down to whoever added the reporter to the thread. I'm sure...or I hope..... an investigation will follow, but someone made the poor decision to one (1) use a convenient non-government platform for government tranmission and (2) somehow invite the guy from the Atlantic. I haven't used Signal, so I don't know how easy it is to use the app -- whether it's possible to add the wrong "Josh" or whatever, or if specific names/usernames have to be used. If it's as soft as facebook tagging, the amount of random pages that fb has suggested I tag mid-sentence means it can be pretty easy to mess up if you're irresponsible and in a hurry.

CyberKitten said...

Well, we *know* who added the journo... It was on the meeting request.... It's *at least* irresponsible! Other words might apply... like incompetent or illegal.... I don't think there will be an *independent* investigation. Their will (probably) be an official cover-up if the dust doesn't settle anytime soon. Otherwise they're just ignore it and move on until the next scandal that might actually get people killed. In the meantime... do you think that US allies (the few it has left at this point) are going to share data that could be potentially damaging to THEIR countries if shared by numbskulls on a public app? The whole thing - especially the denials following on from it is pathetic. On the upside, it *might* convince people to vote Democrat in upcoming elections to stop the worst of Project 2025 from happening in the next 3-4 years....

Sarah @ All The Book Blog Names Are Taken said...

You would think that given something as intensely important as military action, they would not want to be in a rush and 'accidentally' add the wrong person. Also, maybe use appropriate and secure government channels. The key here though, is that they don't want their communications archived, which is required. Once the messages disappear, they're gone. And as for trump not knowing...how incredibly alarming this should be to everyone. Like, he's the "president", shouldn't he know what's going?

CyberKitten said...

I'm amazed that no one noticed the 'odd' addition. Why didn't anyone (AKA the person who called the 'meeting') ask everyone to say 'Hi' or something? Why were their NO checks of who was actually attending? It was a shit-show but what makes in 100x worse is the attempted cover-up of the VERY obvious fuck-up.

Sarah @ All The Book Blog Names Are Taken said...

And of course there will be no consequences. It really is the Wild West over here now.

CyberKitten said...

Nope, no consequences - because that kind of thing doesn't happen any more... just take taking responsibility for fuck-ups and resigning. I really think they need to bring back the idea of falling on your sword at a time like this [lol]