Thanks to Sadie Lou for this fun idea. Visit her Blog (Sadico Junction) for the link to the character creation website. Also check out the other characters created by Laura & dbackdad on their Blogs... It's nice not to be 'serious' for 5 minutes!
Do you really have gray hair? That's so cool! You are either surprisingly older than I am or you went gray at an early age, which if it is the latter, I am going gray too and I'll be 30 on the 29th of this month. I dye my hair to hide the massive coming-in of the grays.
Yes, quite a lot of grey... I started going grey in my 30's & it's been progressing ever since. All of the people who cut my hair have warned me off dying it though. Too much time & effort involved - which suits me just fine.
Spookily May 29th was my fathers birthday....
Happy birthday for then if I don't remember nearer the time. I understand women reach their prime at 32.... though I'm not sure how long they stay there... [grin].
Do you really have gray hair? That's so cool! You are either surprisingly older than I am or you went gray at an early age, which if it is the latter, I am going gray too and I'll be 30 on the 29th of this month.
I dye my hair to hide the massive coming-in of the grays.
Yes, quite a lot of grey... I started going grey in my 30's & it's been progressing ever since. All of the people who cut my hair have warned me off dying it though. Too much time & effort involved - which suits me just fine.
Spookily May 29th was my fathers birthday....
Happy birthday for then if I don't remember nearer the time. I understand women reach their prime at 32.... though I'm not sure how long they stay there... [grin].
You look like a professor ... not that it is a bad thing. Cool pic.
I can't wait to embrace my gray--I'm just not ready right now. Thanks for the birthday wish!
"You look like a professor"
Well... Mrs A... I *might* be a Doctor one day... if things go to plan.... [grin].
Well education standerds are slipping from what we hear....
not a bad likeness :-)
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