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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Thursday, October 19, 2006


Foilwoman said...

I think that's the explanation of the behavior of most CEOs in America. It's easy to waste other people's time and energy.

Laura said...

I LOVE despair.com. I have the Motivation poster in my office:

If a pretty picture and a cute saying are all it takes to motivate you, you probably have a very easy job. The kind robots will be doing soon.

I hate motivational posters. There's some offices at the University I work at that practically have these as wallpaper - I just laugh every time I see them because I think of despair.

CyberKitten said...

Mostly when they do 'motivational' stuff at work we all dutifully ignore it knowing that its just the latest management fad and will soon go away - to be replaced by another fad...

But we do get the ocassional (and much needed) belly laugh from some of the stuff they come up with. Can they really be serious when they expect people to fully by into the Company life ethos and have the Mission Statement tatooed on our butts or something...? Sheesh!

I do like despair.com though.. they have a healthy disrespect for things.. well, everything really!