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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Video Time.

Atheism 101 Part 2


dbackdad said...

That was very good. Dawkins hits on all of those in The God Delusion. I'm about half-way through it right now. Have you had a chance to read it yet?

Once I'm done, I'll have more than a few things to post on the blog. :-)

CyberKitten said...

It is a good little series of short talks isn't it? Very straight forward and to the point..

The God Delusion is on my Summer reading list. I'm kinda savouring it. I've also managed to pick up a few more in that area too. So many books *so* little time [grin].

I've just finished another long SF novel which I'll review tomorrow probably. I'm also 60 pages away from finishing two more non-fiction books which I'll review next week probably.

I look forward to your review of Dawkins... [grin].

dbackdad said...

It's my first Dawkins book. I know it's heresy (maybe not the right word ... he-he) but I've yet to read The Selfish Gene or Blind Watchmaker. But I'll get to them soon enough.

I like his writing quite a bit. He's obviously intelligent but it's not a dry read at all. It's very entertaining and even funny in spots.

Paste said...

I couldn't have put it better myself!

CyberKitten said...

A few more to come yet paste...

There's some quite good mini-documentaries & interviews & such on YouTube. No doubt I'll be posting the best ones here.

JR said...

Very good arguments. It's not comformtable questioning why you believe the things you do, but critical self-examination should be encouraged.

CyberKitten said...

V V...... It's a good little series and addresses lots of the questions that theists ask most.

It is indeed uncomfortable to have your beliefs questioned - especially when the questioner is yourself. That's probably why it doesn't happen very often. As you rightly so though - it should be encouraged.