I don't have a reference, but someone told me there's a group of fanatical wingnuts circulating a petition that would revise the constitution so Bush could serve as many terms as he wanted... basically repealing whatever amendment that was that limited presidents to 2 terms (I don't remember the number)... I just about puked when I heard that.
I don't have a reference, but someone told me there's a group of fanatical wingnuts circulating a petition that would revise the constitution so Bush could serve as many terms as he wanted... basically repealing whatever amendment that was that limited presidents to 2 terms (I don't remember the number)... I just about puked when I heard that.
It's doesn't surprise me much - after all who would change horse in the middle of a fracking war... right?
Thinking about it... isn't there already an Emergency Powers Act that can keep a President in power beyond two terms?
GUH. I hope not.
Go here to learn about Presidential powers during an emergency: http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/natsec/98-505.pdf
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