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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Cartoon Time.


Laura said...

But of course! More potential fresh meat 10 years down the road!

CyberKitten said...

Pretty much. Gotta keep the old religion going somehow!

wstachour said...

A non-believer (and ex-Catholic) friend of mine got married a few years back to a Catholic woman, and had to do all the counseling stuff (how absurd to get marital relationship advice from supposedly celibate men who by definition know nothing of marital relations!).

Anyway, he was up front about not believing in the church or its teachings, and they were reluctantly accepting of this provided he would not stand in the way of his wife raising their children in the church. That would have sent me screaming from the room right there (O.K., I would never have been in the room in the first place), but it tells you most of what you need to know.