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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Monday, August 04, 2008

70 Years ago today.....

The first Spitfire was delivered to the RAF.....


r.p.berry/ElijahpaulMoses said...

we have found the cause of homosexuality, and drunkenness and it is the same disease causingbacteria our Lord came too assure we found and knew of its where abouts, it is called by science luciferin/luciferase, and our Messiah called it lucifer, and said it was the cause of all disease and death and old age, and unnatural acts of mankind, i have been given the keys of His mighty scientific word brought too us By His great stand against death and old age!"" we have much too do..all vibrio and bacteria serve one bacterium and it is called lucfer/luciferin

CyberKitten said...

well *that* got a belly laugh!