V V said: When do I get to vote against their right to marry, against their right to adopt, inherit property, etc., etc., etc.?
I'm still surprised that some people think that gay marriage is somehow a threat to straight marriage. How exactly? It's something I continually fail to get my head around.
Although I'm not a great fan of marriage I don't see why anyone should be excluded from that instituation because their partner happens to be the same sex.
I don't know whether to laugh or cry with these gags...
you rock AND roll, CK.
When do I get to vote against their right to marry, against their right to adopt, inherit property, etc., etc., etc.?
TF said: you rock AND roll, CK.
Gee... Thanks.
V V said: When do I get to vote against their right to marry, against their right to adopt, inherit property, etc., etc., etc.?
I'm still surprised that some people think that gay marriage is somehow a threat to straight marriage. How exactly? It's something I continually fail to get my head around.
Although I'm not a great fan of marriage I don't see why anyone should be excluded from that instituation because their partner happens to be the same sex.
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