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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Like Mandy, I am not a morning person.....


VV said...

I am the ultimate morning person. M says I'm weird. I think she's fortunate to live with an early bird non-coffee drinker who gets up early and makes coffee for her partner. I know other couples where that doesn't happen.

Thomas Fummo said...

I too am a total morning person.
I wake up as early as five or six on some mornings and by six in the evening cannot even function. Yay mornings! Everyone is still in bed and the world is ours!



CyberKitten said...

Freaks - both of you! [laughs]

Whilst not exactly a zombie in the morning, it does take me a great deal of effort first to get out of bed - especially in the cold and dark of an English winter - and then to wake up sufficiently to actually *do* stuff. If I have to get up too early - or as I like to call it 'in the middle of the night' - I can't even face food and if I am forced to do stuff that involves thinking I'll either mess it up or throw up.

I'm not too bad at logevity though. If I can keep reasonably occupied I could stay up for 48 hours without too much trouble. Maybe as much as 72 hours if I *really* needed to (which was far easily in my long gone youth). As long as I can make it through the low point of 2-4am in one piece I know I can make it through the next day. But eventually I'll just collapse and sleep for 16, 18 or even 24 hours like I'm dead.

BionicDwarf said...

Felt soooooo like that this morning lol.

CyberKitten said...


You never learn!