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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Cartoon Time.


VV said...

I think that's something most of us can identify with. I not only don't physically resemble my former self, I am so different from my younger self that I sometimes wonder what happened to that spontaneous, energetic, flighty blonde that I used to be. It's funny, who I was when I was younger, had just a few traces of the quiet, thinker, organized planner that I am today. Today, there are just a few traces of the playful, energetic person I used to be. It's like the major traits of youth, have become of the minor traits of middle-age, and the minor traits of youth, have become the major traits of middle-age. Does that make sense?

CyberKitten said...

It makes perfect sense. We all change over time. It would be difficult to imagine *not* changing as we mature and experience life.

I think we become more of who we are as we grow older. There was always a serious side to me even as a child and this has increased over the years. But there's a deep core of irreverence too which has never gone away. Basically I think of myself pretty much as I have always been - just more so. I'm fairly happy with the way my personality has turned out. I like who I am which is never a bad thing when I spend so much time inside my own head!

I wouldn't like to be a teenager again. I'm glad I'm over that! Having a do-over though.... that's tempting. Knowing what I know now I might change a few things... but then again it'd change who I am now. It's a difficult choice.... Fortunately no one is going to give me the opportunity [grin]