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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

More Enlightenment Quotes

“I confess that a Being who exists somewhere and yet corresponds to no point in space, a Being who, lacking extension, yet occupies space; who is present in his entirety in every part of space, who is essentially different from matter and yet is one with matter, who follows its motion, and moves it, without himself being in motion… a Being about whom I can form no idea; a Being so contradictory in nature, is a hypothesis difficult to accept.”

Jean-Baptiste le Rond d'Alembert  (16 November 1717 – 29 October 1783)

“Nothing is required for enlightenment except freedom and the freedom in question is the least harmful of all, namely, the freedom to use reason publicly in all matters.”

Immanuel Kant  (22 April 1724 – 12 February 1804)

1 comment:

wstachour said...

I love the idea that people were once given time and attention because of the strength and beauty of their ideas, and not because of gunfire or spectacle or titillation.

How sad that enlightened thinking can so easily be stomped under the feet of propaganda and emotion-based "reasoning."