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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Cartoon Time.


VV said...

Okay, I don't know if it's only because I've had 3 hours sleep, but what is the message of this cartoon?

CyberKitten said...

Message? No message... Just that I thought it was funny... and a bit off-the-wall.... I mean, the guy (being Lego) is stuck to the floor and isn't going to fall when they try to hang him.... so it doesn't work. But the other guys (also being Lego) should have realised this before hand - but didn't: hence the funny bit.

You know - Jokes don't really work if you have to explain them [grin]

Oh... THREE hours sleep? That's never a good thing. OK *sometimes* its a good thing but only if you have the opportunity to rest the next day or are like 15 or something.....

dbackdad said...

I think there may a bit more to it, especially since a religious figure is overseeing the hanging. But, I couldn't say for sure. Maybe just a representation of the hypocrisy and futility of religion both abhorring and sanctioning murder, depending on which Bible passage they misinterpret.

Either way, it is funny. In a broad sense it shows the pointlessness of capital punishment.

VV said...

Okay, thanks for the various views on what it is. I can see the humor in the lego guy being stuck. I did wonder at the meaning of the religious figures. I just showed it to M and she liked it. She saw it from the Lego perspective.

CyberKitten said...

I think the priest Lego guy is just a cultural reference. There used to be one, I'm guessing, at most public executions to 'save their souls' or some such before the hangman pulled the plug on them.

Oh, and sometimes my cartoons don't have that much of a meaning behind them (in fact most of my posts are pretty meaningless in that way). I post things that I find funny, curious, odd, interesting or cute. I'm probably not half as deep as I think some of you suspect I am [laughs].

dbackdad said...

CK said, "I'm probably not half as deep as I think some of you suspect I am" -- I'm convinced that I'm not half as deep as I pretend to be. lol. You're probably right about this cartoon. I think I too often look for deeper meaning than what is probably present.