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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Saturday, August 25, 2012


VV said...

I don't know. I've had things happen after intense prayer, maybe just coincidence, but if nothing else, the praying helped me.

CyberKitten said...

Oh, I have *so* many problems with the very idea of prayer.....

Why do some prayers 'work' and others don't. It certainly can't be because God is unable to answer them - or too busy!

An answered prayer is, in effect, getting God to change his mind. He's doing something he didn't intend to do in the first place. Why would he do that? Does that mean he's not infallible?

An answered prayer might be the result of a miracle - and there's a whole new set of objections to be answered.

If you look around the world a see what a total mess it's in - with millions upon millions of people apparently praying about their problems on a regular basis - why are so many peoples lives a creditable version of Hell? Why aren't *their* prayers being answered?

I think prayer does help the people doing the praying - it makes them feel better. But I honestly don't believe that it causing things to happen in the real world - short of influencing how people think about themselves.

Finally, if prayers work do wishes work too? Or spells? If all three work (or any one of them) then the world ceases to make any sense at all. If praying, wishing or casting spells can actually change things then our fundamental understanding of the Universe is completely wrong... and what then?

VV said...

Hmmm, if prayers work, it's either God or our own energy powering the change. I have a problem with the God of the Bible. I believe this planet, this universe was created by an intelligent life force, but I don't believe the manmade tales in any of the holy books of the world. So I don't know if our creator is infallible or not. I think I lean toward Einstein's watch maker god. That intelligent life force created natural law, planets, etc. then moved on to other pursuits, creations. If prayers are answered, maybe we get the creator's attention and there is intervention, or maybe we possess some small part of our creator's life force, or creative power and we are able to affect change ourselves with enough focus and maybe dumb luck. If wishes and spells work on the same wavelength as prayers, then maybe they could work with the same irregularity. I don't believe the world makes sense as it is, prayers working or not. So I'm open to the possibilities.

CyberKitten said...

Thanks for that V V.

We definitely have *very* different views of things [grin]. I do find it refreshing that I disagree with practically everything you said but I'm confident that neither of us see that as any kind of problem. I certainly look forward to further conversations with you!

VV said...

Yep, I'm not threatened by different or opposing views. I'm not even threatened by someone saying I'm absolutely crazy for my beliefs. I guess I'm like a child who doesn't know any better, so anything is possible and I'm okay with that. I'm always surprised by fanatically religious people who are threatened. Are their beliefs so fragile that other ideas can't be considered? The one thing I do know is that nobody knows for sure and nobody has proof of God or the absence, so therefore, until there is irrefutable proof, one way or the other, anything is possible. Why get worked up over ideas that can't be proved. I find the discussion of ideas on God to be interesting. I like to hear other possibilities I might not have considered, and who knows, maybe someone will present me with an idea that I like better than my own. It's all good.

CyberKitten said...

See.... Now *that* I nearly agree with 100%.
