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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Cartoon Time.


Thomas Fummo said...

I'm as happy as anyone else that Romney didn't win, but Obama is still the lesser of two evils. Let us not forget the hundreds of innocent men, women and children maimed or murdered by the drone strikes he approved. Not to mention his 'We will not permit Iran to develop nuclear armaments' remarks... not 'we will do our upmost to engage in peace talks' or 'we will try our best to find common ground and avoid war'.
Sure, he'll do some good things while he's around, but I can't help feeling there's going to be hell to pay much later on down the line if we keep voting for the lesser evil... after all, it's still evil.

CyberKitten said...

Oh, he's *definitely* the lesser of 2 evils. I have no doubt about that. I'm far happier that Romney *didn't* win than I am that Obama did!

Four years ago I had high hopes for Obama and he has disappointed me greatly. I hope now, that he's got 4 more years without the fear of losing the next election that he can actually do some of the things he promised he'd do.

I also hope that the Republican party will fall into in-fighting and make themselves un-electable for a while longer. That's *my* dream....

VV said...

Ditto, lesser of two evils. I really wish we had a viable alternative to the two party system. That said, my vagina remains mine, and my partner and I can now legally marry in Maryland. Now we just have to repeal DOMA so we can marry without federal penalties.

CyberKitten said...

Things do see to be drifting in that direction V V.