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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Pretty close, but not totally my head.  [grin]


dbackdad said...

Yeah, pretty close to my head. Except replace comic books with philosophy, I suppose.

CyberKitten said...

I never 'got' comic books. A few of my friends have tried to get me into them over the years but I've never really seen the point. After all a comic book could take you, like, 10 minutes to go through. Maybe 15 minutes if you took your time or even 30 minutes if you looked at the art work and stuff - whereas a book would take me a week, maybe two if it was long or difficult. No comparison really.

The comic book bit would probably be filled by movies - plus the Math bit would be smaller, the social skills a bit bigger and the Internet Memes would be a lot smaller [grin]

dbackdad said...

Definitely movies for me too. I'd probably have to replace Internet memes with sports. For a nerd, I like sports quite a bit.

I agree about comics. I've bought a few (Orchid) but only because Tom Morello (of Rage Against the Machine) writes them and they're politically oriented.

Karlo said...

Except for the math nodule, it's definitely my brain.

VV said...

Useless trivia would be taking up a much larger portion of my brain.

CyberKitten said...

I'm always a valued member of any pub-quiz team because of my extensive knowledge of trivia.... [grin]

VV said...

Me too! We go every Wednesday night to a local pub. Our team name is "that's what she said."