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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The 1960's. The beginning of the End for the Soviet Union.......


VV said...

I was at the beach recently and was watching guys' behavior as they watched woen walk by. They behaved like dogs in heat. So then I watched women as good looking guys walked by. Their greatest response was maybe a passing glance. Definitely a difference between the sexes!

CyberKitten said...

Men looking at women is, as far as I can tell, purely instinctive. It might be possible to train a straight man not to look at a woman as she walks by but think it would be very difficult indeed. I often don't even know I'm doing it until someone points it out to me (or punches me on the shoulder!).

VV said...

You just can't help yourself? ;-). I can believe it.