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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Seeking a Little Truth is 8 Years Old today! HURRAH!


Stephen said...

Congratulations on sticking with it so long. Honestly, the web is littered with abandoned blogs. :) I always look forward to your updates, because I never know what will be here...book reviews, interesting pictures, thoughtful reflections..it's a little of everything!

CyberKitten said...

sc said: Congratulations on sticking with it so long.

Thanks. Sometimes it feels like a bit of a bind but mostly I really enjoy it.

sc said: Honestly, the web is littered with abandoned blogs. :)

Isn't it just! Even on my Blog List there's 10 with no posts for the last 6 months....

sc said: I always look forward to your updates, because I never know what will be here...book reviews, interesting pictures, thoughtful reflections..it's a little of everything!

Thanks! I try to keep it varied to keep people interested. Primarily of course its a book blog but it's more of a virtual internet version of the insides of my head..... [grin]

Scary, huh?

VV said...

I left you a comment on this last week and apparently it's floating out there in cyberspace somewhere. Congrats on sticking with it. I've enjoyed your blog for all the years I've been reading it, I think almost 7?