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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Cartoon Time.


Stephen said...

"Enough to make you wish you'd considered becoming an electrician, dear."

CyberKitten said...

LOL True!

I was fairly lucky. I got a State Grant for my BA degree. It didn't cover everything but it did go a long way to stop me being massively in debt. Once I got a job I payed off my bank loan in a year or so. My Masters Degree's I paid for myself as I had a full time job by then and one year had a reasonable lottery win that paid for a years tuition. I see the level of debt the new degree courses/university fees are causing and realise that if I was going to uni these days I simply couldn't afford it. But that's the whole point of course - education of the rich.

An interesting study came out recently (I'll post it on Saturday) to say that most graduates don't have degree level jobs are that degrees are being devalued rather than lifting the economy... go figure!

VV said...

I will have student debt until I die. :-(