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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Monday, December 19, 2016


Stephen said...

Looks like a ST TOS screencap?

CyberKitten said...

Yup. From one of my Fave Eps.... With the great character Gary Seven.

Stephen said...

Have I passed along the trivia that Roddenberry wanted to make Seven the star of his own tv show?

VV said...

Wow, that's so freaky that I recognized Terry Garr right away, but had no idea it was from Star Trek. I guess my celebrity face gene is stronger than my geek gene.

CyberKitten said...

Stephen: I'm convinced that a Gary Seven series was produced but bombed. I have a memory of the Pilot episode... but can't find any reference to it on the Internet.... Maybe I dreamed it from an Alternate Reality!

V V : It's from the last episode of Series Two - Assignment Earth. Where 'Roberta Lincoln' discovers that her secretary job is much more than it first appears when she gets mixed up with the launch of a nuclear missile and (of course) the Enterprise crew.

Brian Joseph said...

I think if s pilot had been produced tTrekkers would be watching it and it would be included as part as the Star Trek cannon :)

There was s series of comic books back in the 1990s whose subject was the further adventures of Gary Seven and Miss Lincoln.


CyberKitten said...

Thanks Brian, I saw the comic books when I was searching for evidence to back up my 'false memories'! By the sounds of it the spin-off series looked too much like 'The Invaders' so it was canned before getting off the ground. Pity that, Gary Seven & Roberta Lincoln were both great characters....