I think its real. The photographer just took around 100 shots to get this perfect one. With digital camera's this isn't a problem as you just delete all the 'not good enough stuff' and publish the best ones.
Iphones have a "burst" function that can take dozens of shots at a single touch of the button, so I'm sure professional equipment can do that as well. I wonder which shuttle this was....definitely not Enterprise. :/
(Enterprise was an atmospheric tester only. Star Trek fans did not get their PR campaign's money's worth, I don't think..)
It's a real pity that the Space Program halted when it did. By now we'd had orbital space stations (proper ones), bases on the Moon and a colony on Mars. We'd be thinking of sending probes to the nearest stars...... I'm so disappointed that all the SF stuff I was reading about as a teenager still haven't come true yet.
this must be one of those photoshop things, right? it does look like it was taken from a passenger plane, tho...
I think its real. The photographer just took around 100 shots to get this perfect one. With digital camera's this isn't a problem as you just delete all the 'not good enough stuff' and publish the best ones.
Iphones have a "burst" function that can take dozens of shots at a single touch of the button, so I'm sure professional equipment can do that as well. I wonder which shuttle this was....definitely not Enterprise. :/
(Enterprise was an atmospheric tester only. Star Trek fans did not get their PR campaign's money's worth, I don't think..)
What a great picture. It is too bad the The Shuttle was retired without a proper replacement.
It's a real pity that the Space Program halted when it did. By now we'd had orbital space stations (proper ones), bases on the Moon and a colony on Mars. We'd be thinking of sending probes to the nearest stars...... I'm so disappointed that all the SF stuff I was reading about as a teenager still haven't come true yet.
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