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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Saturday, September 16, 2017


Mudpuddle said...

are those electric double deckers? wow... i see the solution to London's traffic problems...

CyberKitten said...

Yes, interesting aren't they? Presumably they had diesel engines too so that they could go 'off-track' when necessary. Of course such things don't exist anymore so I suppose they were a failed experiment. We have electric trams, on lines, in several cities - Nottingham and Manchester come to mind - but I don't believe we have anything like this any more.

VV said...

Have you seen the documentary, "Who killed the electric car?" It's available on Netflix. I wonder if the electric buses were a failed experiment or pushed out by petrol interests.

CyberKitten said...

@ V V: I've *heard* of it but never seen it. Not sure what killed off the electric bus - although as it needed both sets of drive I guess that the overall maintenance was higher and you probably needed two sets of engineers to look after it.... and it probably broke down more often....

Electric cars are making big in-roads [lol] over her though either hybrids or full on electrical's. You see charging points sprouting up all over the place!