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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Sunday, October 01, 2017

I know there's enough horror in the real world to go around right now but I'm a Slave to Tradition, so: Welcome to  to the regular Monster/Horror Month here @ SaLT! Be prepared to shake in your shoes...... 


Brian Joseph said...

As many have noted, one reason that we read and watch horror stories is to make sense of the horror of real life. I love horror stories. I really do not read enough of them. I look forward to your upcoming posts.

Mudpuddle said...

scary stuff... yum...

CyberKitten said...

@ Brian: I think horror stories - being relatively safe - help us build up our resistance to real horror so that we can still function...

@ Mudpuddle: Well, my kind of scary.... Which won't be *too* much... [lol]