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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Monday, June 15, 2020

Mystery Blogger Meme Thing….

I’ve been tagged by Sarah (again!) over at “All The Book Blog Names Are Taken” so here’s my answers:

Three Things About Me

I have an older brother and a younger sister who has six kids. I don’t know how she does it but I’m VERY impressed!

I’m not a great traveller but have somehow managed to visit Scotland, Wales (on multiple occasions), Holland & Belgium, France (several times), Spain, Portugal, The Canary Islands, Italy, Canada, The USA, Australia and New Zealand. Not too shabby considering……

For most of my teenage years (well, it WAS the 70’s) I had very long hair – down to my waist at longest but mostly just to the bottom of my shoulder blades. The style in those years among the girls was for short hair so, at least for several years I had the longest hair in my school. I kept it long until my early 20’s when I went to University and one day, on a whim, had a short back & sides/crew cut and it’s been mostly that short ever since.

What fictional mode of transportation do you wish you could take?

The Time Machine from the HG Wells story – but the fantastic Victorian design from the 1960 movie version with Rod Taylor. Actually thinking about it a bit more it’d make more sense (as the HG Wells machine couldn’t move through space as well as time) to want the Back To The Future 2 DeLorean as it could FLY! Just think of the places you could go. I think my first visit would be back to Liverpool (my home town) in the early 1960’s to see The Beatles perform at The Cavern Club before they became famous.

What three fictional characters would you go on a road trip with?

My heroes – Mr Spock, Sherlock Holmes and Bugs Bunny.

If you could invite your favourite author over for dinner, who would you invite and what would you serve?

Iain Banks (except he’s dead but that’s allowed – right?). With pizza and beer. He’d be FINE with that I’m sure. I would SO love to pick his brain about his Culture novels.

What was your favourite picture book when you were a kid? 

Rather oddly, and many find this had to believe, I didn’t really read books as a kid. I only REALLY got into books in my very early teens. Of course I COULD read and did read some things but nothing at all memorable until Triplanetary by E E ‘Doc’ Smith blew my world apart.

If you had to add a regular non-bookish feature to your blog, what would you write about?

Well, my passion is History so it’d have to be about that!

Is there any book you have collected multiple copies/editions of, and if so what makes that particular book so special to you?

I have several copies of classic SF novels but mostly because I loved the garish covers rather than that they meant anything particular to me. Plus I always hoped that they’d be worth money someday.

If there is any book or series you could rewrite the ending to you, which one and why?

Endings are REALLY tricky things. Sure, I’ve been disappointed with a few in my time but I don’t think I’d want to rewrite them.

Do you prefer stand-alones or a series?

If I find a good book, or a great one, I always want it to be the first book in a series so that I can explore those characters or that world MORE. But there’s always a point when enough is enough. I just like good books – whatever format they come in.

What is your favourite hobby outside of reading?

Oh, that’s an easy one – Computer Gaming! Although I did also enjoy table top war gamming in my youth…

 Are you more likely to pick up a newly released super-hyped book, or do you wait until the furore has died down before giving it a try?

I’m not a great one for hype – indeed the more a book is hyped the less likely I am to pick it up immediately. If it interests me that much I’ll wait until other people have read it and see what they thought of it… and then I’d still probably wait a bit more.


Brian Joseph said...

Fascinating answers.

I am now imagining what the interactions between Mr. Spock and Bugs Bunny would be like.

mudpuddle said...

E.E. Smith and Elmer Fudd!! YES!!

Sarah @ All The Book Blog Names Are Taken said...

YAY! Thanks for playing :)

please please please post a picture of you from the 70s with the really long hair!! My hair is down to my rear end and I want to see if your hair was longer!

CyberKitten said...

@ Sarah: My hair never quite got THAT long. My sister's did though. She could SIT on her hair! There are VERY few pictures of me in existence. It's safer that way. Every time a picture gets taken robots from the future keep appearing and try to kill me - it's not pretty. Better safe than sorry, no no pix I'm afraid.

CyberKitten said...

@ Brian: I think that Spock & Holmes would get on very well. How either of them would react to Bugs Bunny.... Anyone's guess I think!

@ Mudpuddle: Did you hear that the new Fudd cartoons take away his iconic shotgun? Apparently that was too violent - so they're giving him an axe instead [lol]

mudpuddle said...

everything good is taken away... sob! i was going to say, Adam Link tried to accost me on my bike ride but i out pedaled him...

Judy Krueger said...

I liked getting more insight into a blogger friend I will probably never meet in person.

CyberKitten said...

@ Judy: If you want to dig a little deeper into my twisted psyche you might want to browse through the 'All About me' label stuff. No full disclosures but then again - despite having a Blog - I'm a fairly private person.

Sarah @ All The Book Blog Names Are Taken said...

I am terribly disappointed by this, but also intrigued as to how you manage to keep fighting off the robots with such ease. Tell us your secrets! ;)

CyberKitten said...

@ Sarah: Ask away... I might even answer!