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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020


Brian Joseph said...

The Wrath of Khan is perhaps the most beloved of The Star Trek films. I do appreciate it in many ways. With all that, I think that the complex character that Khan was in Space Seed was turned into something of a cartoon in the film.

Stephen said...

Ooh, Brian, careful. Criticizing TWOK summons vengeful fanboys, I'm told. It's not my favorite TOS movie, though, so you're safe as far as I'm concerned. ;-)

Ricardo Moltaban was perfect as Khan. I wish more interesting things had been done with augments in the Trek world, but the writers had imagination problems where they were concerned.

CyberKitten said...

@ Brian: Kahn was great in the OS episode. Looking 'back' on the Eugenics Wars was fascinating and I really wish they'd explored that more (or at least properly). I was so glad when they brought Kahn back in Wrath but he was a much weaker character there I agree.

@ Stephen: Do passions run high about TWOK? I didn't realise [grin]. It's my fave OS movie though by far. A movie/series spin off on the Eugenics Wars would be very interesting I think. I MUST check out the novels @ some point! [lol]

Stephen said...

On the TrekBBS, Trek subreddits, and the Trek facebook pages that I frequent, it's the most universally-liked one. Personally, The Undiscovered Country was my favorite for a while. General Chang was a fun villain!

CyberKitten said...

@ Stephen: Well, you don't get a Shakespeare quoting Klingon every day! I see he was voted the No 2 baddie in Star Trek.... [grin]

Brian Joseph said...

The Undiscovered Country is also my favorite.