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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Cartoon Time.


mudpuddle said...

haha! at my graduation, the orator said he felt bad for the graduates because there weren't any jobs for geologists in the whole country... mrs m was pissed...

Sarah @ All The Book Blog Names Are Taken said...

My degree is working, but unfortunately teachers are payed so criminally low that I might as well return it and get something else!

CyberKitten said...

@ Mudpuddle: [grin] My degree was essentially useless so I wasn't expecting it to lead directly to a job. Needless to say it didn't!

@ Sarah: Luckily I left Uni with only a small debt (about £1500) which I paid back pretty quickly once I got a job. I was on a full grant so all of my course fees etc were already paid for. I just needed to find money to live on. My later degrees I paid for myself as I was in full-time work by then so had the money (plus a Lottery win really helped one year!).

Stephen said...

I graduated with a lib arts degree into the middle of a recession...never again! I think much of education in the US is a racket.

CyberKitten said...

@ Stephen: I graduated in 1986 with a BA degree in Social Ethics so being unemployed for 2 years afterwards didn't come as a HUGE surprise no matter how annoying it was. I applied for 350 jobs, had 11 interviews and finally got a job in London - some 250 miles away! If I had my time over I might have just picked something a *little* more practical!

mudpuddle said...

what a job search!! i'n very impressed!!

Sarah @ All The Book Blog Names Are Taken said...

A lottery win? Jealous! I have two degrees and owe about $150,000 for them. As a teacher I can qualify for the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program, but under Betsy DeVos (the idiot put in charge of the Department of Ed, who thinks guns should be allowed in schools to fight off grizzly bear attacks) nearly everyone who meets the requirements to have loans forgiven are still denied. It is atrocious.

CyberKitten said...

@ Mudpuddle: I was VERY determined to get a job! It worked eventually!!

@ Sarah: It was only a small win (£1500) but it paid for a years MA tuition so wasn't bad. But $150K!!!! That's RIDICULOUS!!! If I had that kind of debt hanging over me....... [gulp] Education should NOT be a way to make money. An educated citizenry is GOOD for the country. Basic stuff up to 16-18 should be universal. Anything after that (if deemed useful) should be free. Any 'vanity' education should be paid for. Anything in the middle - depending what it is should be subsidised (and reviewed every 5 years).