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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Monday, July 20, 2020

The PERFECT location for 'The Lair'.


mudpuddle said...

probably noisy neighbors, tho: seagulls and ernes and like that...

CyberKitten said...

Urup is an uninhabited volcanic island in the Kuril Islands chain in the south of the Sea of Okhotsk, northwest Pacific Ocean. Its name is derived from the Ainu language word for salmon trout. It was formerly known as Company's Land.

So, yes... Definetly noisy (and nosy) neighbours!!

Sarah @ All The Book Blog Names Are Taken said...

I'd still rather be there than surrounded by trumplethinskin supporters!

CyberKitten said...

@ Sarah: From reports there do seem to be less of them about these days - but you do have to wonder... Just how much does he have a fuck things up before they turn away? Amazing really: what people are getting from this level of chaos? Payback? The pleasure of 'sticking it to the Liberals'? Totally weird..