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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Thursday, November 12, 2020



mudpuddle said...

YAY COMMIES!! (as if it made a bit of difference anyhow, whatever the name...)

CyberKitten said...

Google images says it's from the 20's. Late 20's I'd say... The newspaper the little girl is holding up is the 'Daily Worker' which was (and might still be) a Communist publication.

Stephen said...

And then Guy Fawkes the place. :D

CyberKitten said...

@ Stephen: LOL. It takes all kinds, as they say... [grin]

This *could* actually be from 1920 as its when the British Communist Party was created. They dissolved and became something else in 1991. They were never hugely popular only reaching a peak official membership of 60,000 in 1945. Their newspaper - renamed The Morning Star in 1966 - is still in publication. I haven't seen a copy for YEARS though. Again not a huge circulation.