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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Tuesday, February 09, 2021



mudpuddle said...

would that accent be Cornish or Yorkshire?

VV said...

I do love the accent!

Stephen said...

I have to second Mudmpuddle. Many British accents are appealing (to American years), but others...eh, not so much.

CyberKitten said...

@ Mudpuddle: A soft Cornish accent is lovely. A harsh one is barely intelligible - never mind the Cornish language!!

@ V V: Which one? We have LOTS of them! [lol]

@ Stephen: I do love a mild Scots or Welsh accent very much. North-Eastern can be very pleasing to the ear too. There are a few that REALLY grate though! [grin]

I do find accents endlessly fascinating though. I love it that you can often, when you really listen, get where someone is from within 10 miles or so. When I was working in London I popped into a nearby chemist to get some film developed (back in the day when cameras HAD film). The girl at the kiosk spoke up and I said: "You're a long way from home. You don't hear that accent much in these parts. You're from Sunderland aren't you?" "Oh, thank God" she said. "Most people think I'm from Newcastle." "Really?" I said. "That's completely different"

Newcastle & Sunderland are 11 miles apart.

I do find it amazing that, even in these days of constant travel, you can still tell where people are from just by the inflection of their voice. It's SO much fun guessing where people are from. I used to be quite good at it - especially when I was surrounded by so many accents @ Uni (the first time).

VV said...

I like the BBC announcer accents. I watch the BBC America newscast each night because I love listening to them. I also like the West Country accent, the southern Wales accent, and any Scottish accent. 😍

CyberKitten said...

@ V V: Ah, BBC English or 'Received' or 'Standard' English. Or as we like to call it, when being polite.... 'Posh'. [grin] I can see some of the attraction there.... [lol]