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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Monday, July 26, 2021



Stephen said...

The only problem with gridlock is that it sometimes gives would-be dictators a rationalization-to-the-masses for seizing power. Otherwise, whatever keeps the cancer consuming its own energy is fine with me...;)

More seriously - the bad stuff DC does goes on regardless of gridlock. Corporations and emirs get their handouts and bellyrubs, the fatcats in DC continue lapping up their warm milk and prescription meds and flying first class in jets to conferences to tell us how terrible we all are for not caring about the planet....it's the stuff people LIKE that they stop doing so we'll cooperate. :p They close the parks, shrug at decaying bridges..

CyberKitten said...

I think that one of the major things I don't understand about US politics ATM is the idea that things need to be or should be bi-partisan. In normal democracies the party with the majority essentially gets to do stuff and leaves the other side to grumble about it.

The other thing is this whole filibuster super-majority thing. Again, in most democracies a simple majority is sufficient to get legislation through. It seems that your system is 'designed' to stop government functioning - which is more than a little bizarre.

Stephen said...

That's American exceptionalism, :p The goverment wasn't DESIGNED to do a lot of stuff, just a few things -- and we didn't want it getting carried away with those, either, so there's lot of ways to turn bits of the government against each other, to slow them down and prevent one power from being too dominant. And DESPITE that, we still have an overweening executive and a flaccid, overpaid congress. I blame the Roosevelts and Wilson...

CyberKitten said...

@ Stephen: Seems like the road to becoming a 'failed State' - which, as a rule, never really ends all that well. Personally I think having a government that is actively prevented from governing is at least somewhat bizarre. It doesn't honestly indicate longevity.

Sarah @ All The Book Blog Names Are Taken said...

It truly IS bizarre to have a government that is prevented from governing. It's an absolute clusterfuck and I wish the Democrats would tell the Republicans to fuck off and just start getting shit done. They've tried the bi-partisan effort in an attempt to work together but the Rs do not care about anything but obstructing literally anything Biden/Dems want to do. They did the same thing to Obama, complained when he got around them by issuing his Executive Orders, but were fine when the former guy issued EOs of his own. It's a fucking mess.

CyberKitten said...

@ Sarah: Glad its not just me growing up in a different culture not understanding what the fuck you people are 'on'...... [lol] The Republican's certainly aren't a party of *government* these days! At least the Democrats *try* to govern!!