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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Sunday, July 18, 2021



mudpuddle said...

Estonia is nice this time of year

James said...

I can see France and Italy busy with other more passionate activities; but United Kingdom?

Celi said...
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Sarah @ All The Book Blog Names Are Taken said...

No way. I mean, of course France, but seriously? That's it per day? No way.

CyberKitten said...

All: I can only imagine that this is one of those weird statistical quirks - it's not that *readers* read only minutes a day on average, I think it MUST take into account the significant percentage of people who never pick up a book. For example, supposedly the average person in England & Wales reads THREE books a year. Now, even before I retired, I was reading 60-70 books a year for decades and now average around 100 a year. Factor that in and LOTS of people simply don't read. 6 minutes a day is 36 hours a year - which is about 12 hours of reading per book, probably one over Christmas (gift) and two more on your summer holiday. That's actually frighteningly realistic..... [lol]

In context, even with a full-time job I was reading at least an hour per day (weekdays) and at least 3-4 hours each day of the weekend..... But SIX minutes? I'm not even getting started!