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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Friday, November 26, 2021



mudpuddle said...

"it's all such a waste", said Eeyore...

CyberKitten said...

Eeyore was always my favourite. I just loved his depressing attitude. Hilarious! My 2nd fave was, naturally, Tigger. On the dressing table in my bedroom (fitted before I bought the house) I have an Eeyore plushie sitting on a Tigger - I'm sure that any psychologist would have a field day with THAT image!! [lol]

mudpuddle said...

i've been compared to Eeyore for 30 years; don't know why: just because everything is going to s___... (lol)

CyberKitten said...

People who tell it how it is are rarely welcomed....

VV said...

If we burned the patriarchy to the ground, wouldn’t women eventually become as bad? I think greed and power lust is human nature.

mudpuddle said...

vv: i've suspected that for some time, but have to tried to forget it, lol...

CyberKitten said...

@ V V & Mudpuddle: I'm not 100% sure that the Patriarchy exists.... But if I had to say either yes/no I'd probably have to come down on a tentative yes.. Would women in power be just as bad? I'm not sure. On a personal level I've had good & bad male & female bosses.... But I don't think men & women are that interchangeable in the end. Something to think about...