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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Sunday, April 17, 2022


Sarah @ All The Book Blog Names Are Taken said...

YES! I make time to read for at least an hour a day, whether it is with/to Eleanor, or just on my own.

CyberKitten said...

I've never had any issue with ignorance. I freely admit that there's LOTS of things I'm completely unaware of (unknown unknowns) as well as things I haven't got around to investigating yet (known unknowns). What I don't understand is wilful ignorance. That does confound me!

James said...

My problem is that no matter how much time I set aside for reading there is always more left unread after I'm done for the day - it's a losing battle. It's the same way with ignorance - the more I know, the more I know I don't know.

CyberKitten said...

You'll NEVER read everything you want or even everything you have (if you're like me!). It's a battle but one worth fighting even knowing you can't 'win' (even if immortality was an option the publishing world would still vastly outpace you).

Agreed on ignorance! The more you know you climb a little higher only to see peaks stretching out to the horizon. The higher you climb you just get to see more distant peaks (and the dark valleys in between!). FUN isn't it?

VV said...

I’m reading your blog to avoid reading the next book for my sci-fi book club. 🤣. I’ll get to it eventually.

CyberKitten said...

What book is it? There is lots of good SF out there, but there's plenty of stinkers & faux SF too.