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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Thursday, June 02, 2022

Just Finished Reading: How Spies Think – Ten Lessons in Intelligence by David Omand (FP: 2020) [303pp] 

Before I tell you about this quite excellent book, I feel I must address the misnomer in the room. This book is not about how ‘Spies’ think, it’s about how Intelligence Analysts think, but I’m guessing the spies title was catchier and sold more copy [grin]. 

Anyway, with that out of the way we can move on. The first thing that really needs to be said here is that the author REALLY knows what he’s talking about. After joining the Intelligence world from university, he eventually climbed to the giddy heights of Director of GCHQ (the UK equivalent of the NSA in America). Along the way he advised Prime Ministers and military commanders during the Falkland’s Conflict, the breakup of Yugoslavia and the 1st Iraq War. He was, as it’s said, ‘in the room’. Naturally, also along the way, he learned a few things about information and how to separate the wheat from the all too prevalent chaff. These are the 10 lessons, SO required in today’s climate of misinformation, disinformation and Conspiracy Theory, that he passes on to the rest of us so we are well armed enough to know (or at the very least attempt to know) what is REALLY going on out there. It could not be timelier. Among the lessons we all need to take note of are:  

Situational awareness – recognising that our knowledge of the world is always fragmentary and sometimes wrong. 

Recognising the facts do not ‘speak for themselves’ and need explaining. 

Developing 'Strategic notice' to reduce the times we are caught completely by surprise. 

Accepting that it is often our own demons that are most likely to deceive us. 

This was SUCH a good read on a number of levels. The author is an *authority* in the old sense of being steeped in the world of data analysis and can speak with both clarity and gravitas on the subject. The insights into decision making at the highest levels was fascinating in itself but the in-depth look at how raw data is sifted for meaning and how misinformation (deliberate or otherwise) can have its effect minimised is a very useful skill to acquire (as we all know so well). There’s a lot to think about between these covers which makes this book anything but a ‘one and its done’ kind of read. This is the kind of book that can easily reward multiple readings spaced a year or two apart. In a world where we can barely believe anything anymore (and just wait until technology gets SO good that anything you see on a screen – no matter how ‘realistic’ - can be seamlessly produced on anyone’s laptop) it’s vital to have a mental toolset that can be used to help you discern the truth or closer to it. Definitely recommended for all truth-seekers out there!  


Stephen said...

Sounds interesting! I've never encountered a book written from inside Downing Street or the like. This sounds more compelling than that CIA director memoir I read a few years back, which was mostly a defense for data-hoarding by DC.

CyberKitten said...

It's a very interesting book. Although there's quite a few 'personal moments' its not a memoir - he just uses personal experience to make points in how intelligence is examined or used. It makes it all more 'real' rather than simply theoretical. I think you'd like it - especially in the realm of information/truth filtering on the Internet. More of this sort of thing to come as its of particular interest to me (as it should be to everyone!)..

Sarah @ All The Book Blog Names Are Taken said...

Darnit, another one I have might have to add to my CK-subTBR-TBR, lol

CyberKitten said...

I keep forgetting that so many of my whacky interests coincide with yours... Sorry, but more to come! [lol]