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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Friday, July 01, 2022


Sarah @ All The Book Blog Names Are Taken said...

It's true. Literally, in this instance. Cases are rising but hey, let's not report on it any more, because we don't have time, because everything else is also on fire at this point.

CyberKitten said...

Isn't it just!! I have some great memes coming up about just how CRAZY it is ATM. But at this point you just have to recognise it as crazy, laugh, cry a little and wait for the 29th shoe to drop... Some days it's pretty difficult to not start laughing like a literal maniac.

Of course (as you probably noticed) this is a pic from the Spanish Flu outbreak. Cases are rising here to but mostly in Scotland for some reason. Go figure!

Sarah @ All The Book Blog Names Are Taken said...

My fave meme out of this whole clusterfuck right now is something about how time travel is real and someone has tried to right the first wrong (I would presume that was trumplethinskin getting elected, but just my opinion), but keeps inadvertantly making everything worse on subsequent trips back in time, trying to fix things. I also love that we had murder hornets for like, a week back in 2020 and they just peaced out because they saw how fucked we already were.

CyberKitten said...

LOL - I have that meme to post at some point. I also have a few more on that theme which made me cry laughing. I suppose that in a fucked-up world we should expect such things. If its a glitch in the Matrix I imagine they'll be deleting the whole programme soon. FAR too many bugs in this piece of shit software!!