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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Saturday, July 02, 2022


Sarah @ All The Book Blog Names Are Taken said...


CyberKitten said...

One of the early defining images of the war. The Ukrainians are VERY media savvy. I've been impressed by their use of it from Day One.

Marianne said...

Lego is always good for a joke like that.

And I have to agree that they are very savvy. They teach their kids that made it into other countries from the Ukraine. They are doing much better there than our country who had problems teaching the kids online during lockdown.

CyberKitten said...

Lego is great fun. I always enjoyed building things with it.

I've been very impressed by a lot of Ukrainians on the news. They'll make a fine addition to the EU when they join and NATO eventually....

Marianne said...

Definitely. They seem to integrate here very well, also, though a lot of them are determined to return. Great people.

And maybe one day we can welcome the Brits again. Would be nice.

CyberKitten said...

Personally I voted Remain. But you never know... One day we'll realise leaving was a bad idea and ask to re-join the EU. Maybe...

Marianne said...

I'm not surprised about your vote. Most of my friends did. Not that it did them any good. And yes, let's all hope for the best.

Sarah @ All The Book Blog Names Are Taken said...

Everyone I know who lives in the UK also voted to remain. What a cluster.

CyberKitten said...

Yup. The Tory government are trying to pretend that the shit-show going on ATM is because of Ukraine or Covid. If it wasn't for them it'd be VERY obvious to everyone what damage Brexit is already doing - and not get me started on the "perfect" Irish border solution they're now ditching in the Irish Sea! [lol]

Marianne said...

Yeah, it's always easy to blame others.

And I'm not surprised that Sarah and me only know people who voted remain. Those are people who have some kind of interest in something else than what is going on in their own personal life and their own little village. And they would vote "Remain" as any sensible person would.