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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Monday, August 22, 2022


Stephen said...

Bettered by "that awkward moment when you bought an electric car to save the planet, then realized the electricity is still derived from coal & gas". ;)

CyberKitten said...

Unless you get your power from Solar and Wind... [grin]

Stephen said...

Statistically unlikely! When the Germans foolishly (stupidly, asininely) shuttered their nuclear program, they were forced to start using more coal because the politically-approved green options don't do base power demands well. Now they're forced to play nice with Tsar Vladimir...

CyberKitten said...

Well, the UK energy production is about 40% renewable (in 2020 I think) so that isn't bad. We are (slowly) weaning our self off coal etc with wind/solar plus a bit of nuclear.

It'll take a while and be more than a little painful but I think longer term the gas/oil from Russia is a dead issue. There's zero way that Europe can deal with someone who'll use energy as blatantly as a weapon as Putin is doing.

Stephen said...

One can hope!