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I have a burning need to know stuff and I love asking awkward questions.

Sunday, September 11, 2022

Ideal for Home Defence. 


Stephen said...

You'd be surprised..I dogsit for a couple who have three great danes, each the size of a pony, and they've told me they've still had people who attempted to break in despite the ground-rumbling barking. Drug addicts looking for something to pawn for their next hit are capable of overlooking just about anything, evidently.

CyberKitten said...

Jeeze... Sounds like a rough neighbourhood!

But I'm guessing it's probably quite difficult to ignore a big dog when its chewing on your arm.... probably.

Sarah @ All The Book Blog Names Are Taken said...

Eleanor would love a dog the size of a horse!

CyberKitten said...

I do like a BIG dog..... Small ones are cute too. I've seen some HUGE Dalmatian's locally that look like horses. Their owner was very proud of them but did admit that they cost a fortune to feed and need constant exercise.

Stephen said...

Eh, it's a rough town. There's a reason there's a market for people like me who literally get paid just to stay in houses while the owners are away... XD

@ Sarah They were...fun to spend three weeks with. They're literally the only dogs I've met that could drag me around. I'm fairly sturdy but these guys could push me over with ease.

Sarah @ All The Book Blog Names Are Taken said...

@CK: Eleanor keeps asking for a dog, but since we live in a apartment I have said no for now. Plus, if we get a dog it will be a Husker, and those sweet pups need tons of space to run and play.

@Stephen: That would be so much fun. My BFF Anne Marie has a huge golden lab who is still strong enough to drag me around, but is so gentle with Eleanor, it's sweet.